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FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

FASA would like to invite you to this week’s colloquium.   Date: Friday, September 30th Location: Turlington 1208      Time: 3pm Speaker: Michelle Eusebio   Exploring Cuisine and Community Identity in Neolithic and Metal Age Southeast Asia: Organic Residue Analysis of Pottery   This presentation is based on my dissertation research, which will focus more on

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Date: October 7, 2016 Location: Turlington 1208      Time: 3pm Speaker: Therese Okraku (University of Florida) Talk Title and Description: Team science: Using data to improve collaborations Research is increasingly becoming more team-based in academic, industry, and government settings. Yet, many anthropologists conduct solo research. This talk will provide you with an introduction to the field

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Date: October 7, 2016 Location: Turlington 1208      Time: 3pm Speaker: Therese Okraku (University of Florida) Talk Title and Description: Team science: Using data to improve collaborations Research is increasingly becoming more team-based in academic, industry, and government settings. Yet, many anthropologists conduct solo research. This talk will provide you with an introduction to the field

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Speaker: Fatu Suah Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Speaker: Fatu Suah Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective

FASA Colloquium

Title: The Force of the Fragment Presenters: Dr. Kernaghan and students from the Ethnographic Writing Seminar Ethnographic writing can be many things: demanding, painful, tiring, but also exciting and contemplative. As an inherently mixed-genre, ethnographic writing remains an open-question in constant dialogue with the imperatives and desires of specific fieldwork moments and the empirical worlds

FASA Colloquium

Title: The Force of the Fragment Presenters: Dr. Kernaghan and students from the Ethnographic Writing Seminar Ethnographic writing can be many things: demanding, painful, tiring, but also exciting and contemplative. As an inherently mixed-genre, ethnographic writing remains an open-question in constant dialogue with the imperatives and desires of specific fieldwork moments and the empirical worlds

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Speaker: Aaron Victoria

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Speaker: Aaron Victoria

FASA Colloquium

1208A Turlington Hall

Date: November 18, 2016 Location: Turlington 1208      Time: 3pm Speaker: Aaron Victoria Talk Title and Description: Finding 'Rhythms in the Road': How Mobilities become Livelihoods on Central America's Pan-American Highway How do roads produce rhythms that pace and give texture to social worlds? How do communities that emerge in the vicinity of transit infrastructure capitalize