University of Florida Homepage

Kimberly Robertson

Photo of Kimberly Robertson

Graduate Student


  • Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress
  • M.A. Anthropology, University of Florida, 2013
  • M.S. Marine Biology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
  • B.S. Biology, York College of Pennsylvania


Biological Anthropology


Dr. John Krigbaum

Research Interests


Selected Publications

Effects of caloric restriction on nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios in adult rat bone (Kimberly L. Robertson, Neil E.
Rowland, John Krigbaum, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2014, 28, 2065–2074)

A rodent model of caloric restriction using bone mass, microarchitecture, and stable isotope ratios: implications for
revealing chronic food insufficiency in archaeological populations (Kimberly L. Robertson, Joshua F. Yarrow, Neil E.
Rowland, John Krigbaum, STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, Volume 3, 2017 – Issue 1)


Grants, Fellowships, and Awards