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Graduate Student Advisory Council

Call for Members: Graduate Student Advisory Council

Are you a graduate student in STEM and/or SBE disciplines at UF? Would you like to become a driving force in shaping graduate education at UF?

The Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC) is seeking interested graduate students from science, technology, engineering, math and medicine (STEMM) and social, behavioral and economic (SBE) disciplines to join GSAC and become a driving force in shaping graduate education at UF.

The Graduate Student Advisory Council was created in 2009 within the I-Cubed Program to work as a team in collaboration with the Internal (Faculty) Advisory Board and I-Cubed management team 1) to identify missing elements in graduate student training at UF, 2) to improve graduate professional development, and 3) to integrate with and expand some of the existing programs on campus. In 2013 GSAC became an official student organization housed in the Graduate School.

What do we expect?

  1. Represent ideas and concerns pertinent to the professional development of graduate students at UF
  2. Represent GSAC in I-Cubed sponsored activities such as Graduate Student Research Day, Ethics Symposium, Career Panels, etc.
  3. Attend monthly GSAC meetings
  4. Disseminate information about I–Cubed sponsored activities to other students and colleagues

What is our current profile?

  1. GSAC is currently composed of + 21 active student-members from Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Environmental Engineering Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Anthropology, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Soil and Water Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, Health Services Research and Criminology
  2. GSAC represents a broad participation of minority students, women, and students with disabilities
  3. GSAC also has members who are funded through various NSF training grants at UF

What do we offer?

  1. Professional development through active communication with peers, UF administrators and department/college key decision-makers
  2. Providing ideas for Graduate Student Research Day and other professional development opportunities for graduate students at UF
  3. Regular meetings with the University Provost and the Dean of the Graduate School

If you are interested in joining GSAC and contribute to the transformation of graduate education at UF, please apply via email. See the application.

The GSAC will host an Open House on Tuesday, January 28th in the International Center’s large conference room to provide more information on GSAC and its activities. Refreshments will be available starting at 3:30PM with a presentation starting at 4:00PM.