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North American Theoretical Archaeology Group’s TAG USA Conference May 23-25, 2014

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

At this time, we invite session proposals from organizers on any topic that falls within the purview of TAG. Go to the TAG2014 website to begin. Regular session proposals (max 400 words) are due by January 31, 2014. By February 2014, a list of sessions will be announced on this website, along with the session organizers’ email addresses. At that time, potential participants should send individual paper abstracts (max 300 words) directly to the session organizers by email (deadline March 7, 2014). Session organizers are responsible for selecting papers, and for sending the complete session roster along with all paper abstracts and titles to the TAG-UIUC committee by March 21, 2014. Session organizers, please note that break-out rooms will be equipped with PCs and LCD projectors. Requests for any AV equipment other than in-room computers should be made by March 21, 2014.

Special Call for Artist’s Proposals

Artists are encouraged to participate, as art and its myriad forms, representations, and styles are well suited to convey and expound on this theme. Artists are asked to present their original work in order to generate new ideas, stimulate discussion, and, ultimately, initiate convergences in alternative media. All sessions will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 24-25, in the Colonial Room of Lincoln Hall on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. Space is limited and no projection equipment will be provided! Each artist will have a 2 x 2-meter display space, and easels or tables may be provided upon request. The room will be overseen by TAG conference volunteers during the day, but artists are encouraged to remain near their work when possible to answer questions and facilitate discussion. Security is not available for the space overnight, though it will be under lock and key during this time. Applicants must submit an abstract (max 300 words) of the proposed project/display to coordinators Jacob Skousen (bskousen[at]illinois[dot]edu) and Robert Rohe (robert.rohe[at]gmail[dot]com) by March 7, 2014. Please explain your project, how it fits with the TAG theme, and how you will install and present your project in the space constraints outlined above. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the coordinators.

Since 2008, the TAG-USA conference has provided a vibrant link between American and European archaeologists. This year, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is hosting TAG. Converge on Urbana for a lively 2014 meeting in the true tradition of TAG. There will be a plenary on Friday evening featuring Benjamin Alberti, Mary Weismantel, Kim Tallbear, and Rosemary Joyce, two days of break-out sessions on Saturday and Sunday, a special art exhibition (see below), and a Saturday night dance—not-to-be missed. In addition, attendees can take part in two new TAG events: the first is a Friday-evening Theoretical Bar Crawl featuring a series of prominent archaeologists in their natural state (with a prize to the winning crawler); the second will be a TAG Post-Mortem session! Finally, optional tours of the archaeological complexes of Cahokia and Emerald, 30 minutes from St. Louis, will be offered on Sunday the 25th or Monday the 26th, for anyone flying through St. Louis or wishing to make the 3-hour trip south of Urbana-Champaign.

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