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JUR Editorial Board Opportunity

University Writing Program Workshop Series

Peer Review: Reading Academic Papers for Professional Journals

UF Anthropology students are encouraged to join the UF Journal of Undergraduate Research Editorial Board. To serve on the Board, a graduate student must attend the training workshop in their area (see below) and participate in a minimum of one review period during May 2014. Students will be fully trained and given a rubric to use in reviewing undergraduate research papers by the University Scholars in their field or a closely related one.

This series of workshops will introduce scholars to the practice of peer review in three broad academic areas: physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Participants will learn about the review criteria typical of professional journals and the types of commentary most useful for authors. Working with examples from the Journal of Undergraduate Research, participants will qualify to act as readers for JUR and, after serving in that capacity, will be listed as JUR Editorial Board Members.

Workshop Schedule

  • Peer Review in the Social Sciences, April 16th, 4:00-5:30, Tigert 302 Conference Rm.
  • Peer Review in the Physical Sciences, April 17th, 4:00-5:30, Tigert 302 Conference Rm.
  • Peer Review in the Humanities, April 21st, 4:00-5:30, Tigert 302 Conference Rm