The Health in Africa Working Group at the Center for African Studies presents:
Title: Fighting Malaria from Gainesville: The Great Potential for a UF Malaria Research Collaborative
Details: Monday, September 22, 2014 @ 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM, Center for African Studies, 471 Grinter Hall
Speaker: Paul Psychas, MD. Department of Community Health and Family Medicine, University of Florida
Information about The Malaria Collaborative:
The UF Malaria Research Collaborative establishes a structured and consolidated foundation of resources for generating actionable malaria research and provides an opportunity for potential partners (academic and research institutions, government, private sector, community-based organizations) to effectively access a reputable collaborative of malaria researchers for ongoing malaria control efforts. The UF Malaria Research Collaborative is committed to advancing translational research for malaria eradication such as addressing optimal targeting and sequencing of malaria control methods in various settings, and evaluating bottlenecks in current activities and assessing alternative methods. This collaborative group seeks members with various experiences, expertise, and involvement in malaria-related research to make valuable contributions to the advancement of malaria research.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Paul Psychas received his undergraduate degree from Harvard before working as a scientific editor and technical writer in Finland, Thailand, and Nigeria for four years. He continued this scientific editing and writing as he entered medical school and through most of his residency at the University of Florida. Upon completing his residency training, Dr. Psychas worked as a physician at the AGH Hospital in Gainesville and later became the Chairman for the Family Practice Residency Patient Care Committee. After working as a physician for some time in Florida, Dr. Psychas entered the Peace Corps in West Africa as an Area Medical Officer where he provided health program support, training, and field consultation services. After this, Dr. Psychas returned to work as a physician at the VA Hospital in Gainesville, Florida only to return to Africa a year later where he worked as a Resident Advisor for the U.S. Agency for International Development and U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. During this time, Dr. Psychas worked in Accra, Ghana providing technical support and guidance in the development and execution of the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative. Dr. Psychas returned to the University of Florida at the Eastside Community Practice in 2013.
For further information about the UF Health in Africa Working Group, or to join our listserv, please visit our website.