2014 Graduate Student non-UF awards
The CLAS Dean’s Office asked for a list of all our graduate student non-UF awards over the last year. It is a very impressive list of funding for education and field work as well as research prizes for papers and scholarship. Here they are (and please send notices if they are not here)
- Fulbright: Erik Timmons and Kevin McDaniel
- Antenor Firmin internship/fellowship in Haiti and a Boren Fellowship: Crystal Felima
- CAPES Brazil Scholarship: Joanna Troufflard, incoming student Myrian Barboza
- Becas Chile scholarship: Carola Salazar
- Fulbright IIE: Felipe Infante
- Qatar scholarship: Shaikha Al-Kuwari
- Ford Fellowships: Justin Dunnavant & Justin Hosbey
- Wenner-Gren: Jeff Vadala, Joe Feldman, Andrew Tarter
- Inter-American Foundation Grassroots Fellowship: Caitlin Baird
- Landes fieldwork grant from the Reed Foundation: Camee Maddox
- Rothman Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities: Deb Andrews
- Scholarship from the National Park Service in 2013 and 2014: Deb Andrews
- Society for Humanistic Anthropology’s Ethnographic Fiction contest, first prize: Caitlin Baird
- National Geographic Society Young Explorers grant: Sarah Kennedy
- National Geographic Society: Abiyot Seifu
- ASPCA Veterinary Forensic Sciences Program funding: Lerah Sutton
- UWF Mentorship Fellowship (administered through the Writing program): Jamie Lee Marks
- Lambda Alpha Research Grant: Michelle Eusebio
- UNCF/Merck Graduate Science Research Fellowship: Tamar Carter
- SSHRC fellowship: Arianne Boileau
- SSHRC field research grant: Eshe Lewis
- NSF Fellowship: Paul Morse, Mia Carey
- NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants: Jessica-Jean Casler, Gypsy Price, Andrew Tarter, Ashley Sharpe, Deven Vyas, Doug Monroe
- Western African Research Association : John Hames
- ORISE fellowship to work at JPAC: Katie Rubin (F/14), Andrea Palmiotto (F/14), Kate Kolpan (F/13). The official title is the Forensic Science Academy Fellowship and it’s awarded by the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) which is part of the military and it’s actually funded and administered through ORISE which is part of the Oakridge National Laboratory, which falls under the Department of Energy.
- I-Cubed Teaching Grant last fall: Karen McIlvoy
- Ellen Lofaro was accepted to the UCLA Ion Microprobe Student Workshop, an NSF-funded opportunity to learn about secondary ion mass spectrometers and how to run samples on the SIMS.
- Ginessa Mahar won the Student Paper Award at the annual meeting of the Florida Anthropological Society with her paper “Ethnoarchaeology of the Lower Suwannee Environment.”