Courtesy Faculty
- Ph.D. University of Florida, Anthropology
- M.A. University of Florida, Latin American Studies
- B.A. New College, Foreign Languages
Research Interests
As a visual and ecological anthropologist, my research and teaching interests are in the collaborative production of film documentaries and new media, which highlight cultural and ecological resources through a process that is founded upon and empowers local perspectives, voices and visions.
Selected Publications
Concha-Holmes, Amanda. 2015. “Senses of HumaNature on Florida’s Silver River: Evocative Ethnography to Craft Place” Visual Anthropology Review. 31(1): 56-66.
Concha-Holmes, 2014. “Cuban Cabildos, Cultural Politics, and Cultivating a Transnational Yoruba Citizenry.” Cultural Anthropology. 28(3): 490-503.
Concha-Holmes, Amanda. 2012. “Decolonizing the Imaging of African-Derived Religions” in Bernd Reiter and Kimberly Simmons, eds. Afro-Descendants, Identity, and the Struggle for Development in the Americas. Michigan State University Pp 243-267.
Holmes, Amanda. 2008. “Cuban Voices On Being Cuban and the Future in Cuba.” Transforming Anthropology: Journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists. 16(1): 70-71.
Barborak, J.R., J.D. Peskin, G.R. Mueller, D. Holmes, and C. Suarez. 2002. Community involvement in managing protected areas of the MesoAmerican barrier reef system—How real is it? Policy Matters: Sustainable Livlihoods and Co-Management of Natural Resources. IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy. Issue 10.
Holmes, Amanda December 2008. Yoruba Religion and Ecology in Cuba. Forum on Religion and Ecology Newsletter.
Oliver-Smith, Anthony, Amanda Holmes, Byron Real, Christopher Berry, Sarah Cervone, Joanna Reilly-Brown, and Astrid Wigidal. 2005. Patterns and Processes of Vulnerability to Hazards in Florida.El Niño Southern Oscillation Project,InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).
Barborak, James R., David Buck, Kristen Conway, Amanda Holmes, Jerry Mueller, Paula Posas and Byron Real. 2003. “El Manejo Participativo de las Areas Protegidas: Situación y Perspectivas en el Ecuador y Paises Vecinos.” Wildlife Conservation Society, Gainesville, FL.
Barborak, J., Holmes, G.R. Mueller, and J. Peskin. 2002. “Community Involvement in Establishment, Planning, and Management of GEF Priority Protected Areas in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System.” Gainesville, FL. Wildlife Conservation Society for the World Bank.