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ANT 4006 Human Rights and Culture

Dr. Ostebo Since the end of World War II human rights have emerged as the dominant frame for thinking about social justice. The relationship between universal human rights and respect for cultural diversity has spurred much debate, not the least within anthropology. This course provides an introduction to the study of human rights and culture. […]

ANT 3930 The Silk Road

Dr. C.K. Shih In history, the Silk Road was the greatest overland trading route with China on one end, and Rome on the other. Before cross-ocean maritime trading became practical, the Silk Road was the most significant conduit in the world for far reaching cultural and material exchange. Even though the original Silk Road as […]

ANT 3703 Business Anthropology

Dr. McCarty Business anthropology is a subfield of applied anthropology. In this subfield, anthropologists apply a variety of anthropological methods and theories to study organizations and solve business problems.Business anthropologists work in variousfields including marketing/consumer insights, technology, design, management, human resources/people operations, government, military, higher education, and consulting. This course will provide an overview of […]

ANT3620 Language and Culture

Dr. Schwartz Humans use language to accomplish many of their communicative goals, butthe forms and functions of language use vary across cultures. After a crash course in linguistic approaches to phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics, students consider anthropological approaches to language in its diverse social and cultural contexts. Topics including silence; kinesics and proxemics; gender […]

ANT 3514 Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Dr. DeLeon This is a whirlwind trip through the study of humans as a zoological species. We’ll start with a foundation in evolutionary theory and the scientific method. We’ll explore many of the interdisciplinary approaches to understanding humanity’s place in nature, including anatomy, osteology, genetics, primatology, paleontology, human biology, growth and development, and forensic anthropology. […]

ANT3467 Food and Culture

Dr. deFrance Why does sharing a good meal with others make us happy? And how did the food items that make up your meals become part of your culture? In Food and Culture we examine how our food habits came to be and what food and meals revealabout culture. People across the globe have developed […]

ANT 3301 Sex-roles Cross-Culturally

Dr. Strong This course compares the life experiences of women and men in societies throughout the world. We will discuss the evidence regarding the universal subordination of women, and examine explanations that propose to situate women’s and men’s personality attributes, roles, and responsibilities in the biological or cultural domains. In general, through readings, films and […]

ANT 3241 Anthropology of Religion

Dr. Kane This course providesa comprehensive introduction to the anthropological perspective on human experiences of religious beliefs and practices. It explores the various concepts and theories used by anthropologists in the study of religion then and now, and here and there. The course is by nature critical and comparative on human systems of beliefs across […]