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ANT 5525 Human Osteology and Osteometry

Dr. Daegling A practical survey of the human skeleton for aspiring bioarchaeologists, forensic anthropologists and paleoanthropologists. Emphasis is on developing techniques for the identification of human remains, including methods for establishing a biological profile from skeletal remains. This course provides hands-on experience with complete and fragmentary human remains, and includes a basic introduction to skeletal […]

Emily Zavodny

NSF SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellow Courtesy Faculty Office:  Turlington B119 Email: Google Scholars Research Interests Human-environment interaction, sustainability, marginal environments, emergence of social complexity and inequality, European prehistory, origins of agriculture, animal husbandry and transhumance, faunal analysis, osteology, mortuary archaeology, stable isotope geochemistry, radiocarbon dating, and paleoclimate reconstruction Selected Publications 2019 E. Zavodny, B. Culleton, […]

Lindsay Bloch

Collections Manager, FLMNH Office: Dickinson 105 Phone: (352) 273-1924 Email: Google Scholars Research Interests Craft Production, Ceramic Technology and Ceramic Ecology, Analytical Chemistry and Archaeometry, Museums and Collections, Historical Archaeology of North America Selected Publications Bloch, Lindsay, Neill J. Wallis, George Kamenov, and John Jaeger 2019  Production Origins and Matrix Constituents of Spiculate Pottery in Florida, […]

Friday Scrapbook November 8, 2019

News and Notes from around the department, on what also happens to be National Cappuccino Day: Publications and Press UF Anthropology Ph.D. Justin Dunnavant is featured in the latest issue of Science, highlighting his research at Estate Little Princess in St. Croix.  You can find the online article here, which also includes a link to a .pdf version. […]

ANG 5485 Research Design

Dr. Gravlee Anthropology encompasses a dizzying array of substantive areas and theoretical approaches. But no matter your interests, you share at least one thing in common with every other graduate student (in anthropology and beyond): the desire to conduct meaningful research. That means you must master research design. This seminar focuses on elements of research […]

ANG 5172 Historical Archaeology

Dr. Davidson Archaeology is the study of the past –people and everything they were, their public acts and private hopes –or at least it is an earnest attempt to “construct” this past through a meticulous examination of material objects, the greater landscape, and the social milieu under which these men, women, and children lived and […]

ANT 4930 Global Health

Dr. Ostebo This course offers anthropological perspectives on global public health. Students will be introduced to various global health challenges and problems, and to the initiatives and approaches that have been undertaken to address them. This includes a focus on the main actors and institutions that constitute the field of global health and on the […]