Graduate Student
- B.A. Anthropology, Universidad de Chile, 2016
Research Interests
Coastal Archaeology, Zooarchaeology, Archaeomalacology, Landscape, Environment
Selected Publications and Presentations
2022. Sierralta, S., Rebolledo, S., Delgado, A., Cortés, C., Hernández, D., & Bravo, G. Holocene Variations in the Lithic Technology of Chepu 005 site, Isla Grande de Chiloé, Northern Patagonian Archipelagos. Praxis Arqueológica 3(1), 11-31.
2020. Hernández, D., Monroy, I., & Flores, C. Bedrock mortars, shell middens and rock art: Old excavations and new archaeological findings at Guanaqueros (Coquimbo Region). Praxis Arqueológica 1, 19-44.
2019. Pascual, D., Escudero, A., Pino, M., Larach, P., Troncoso, A., La Mura, N., López, P., Martínez, A., Hernández, D., & Dávila, C. Late Holocene hunter-gatherers in the lower Limarí River basin (30°S): The Tamaya-1 site. Revista Chilena de Antropología, 40, 127-152.
2017. Escudero, A., Troncoso, A., Pascual, D., López, P., Vera, F., Hernández, D., Dávila, C., Sierralta, S. & Villela, F. Pichasquita: A hunter-gatherer rockshelter in the upper Limarí River basin (30° lat. S). Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología, 47, 49-67.
Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
2022-2026. Grant Number 72220079, Beca de Doctorado en el Extranjero Becas Chile, Convocatoria 2022 [Foreign Doctoral Scholarship, 2022 Becas Chile Program]
2022. Elizabeth M. Eddy Top-off Fellowship