Graduate Student
- Ph.D.
- M.A.
- B.A.
Research Interests
Amazonian archaeology, gastronomic practices, food ways, plant domestication, zooarchaeology
Selected Publications
Ribeiro, Anna B. T., Helena P. Lima, Fernando L. T. Marques, Morgan J. Schmidt, and Kevin McDaniel. 2016 Results from Pilot Archaeological Fieldwork at the Carrazedo Site, Lower Xingu River, Amazonia. Latin American Antiquity 27(3):318-339.
Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
- Fulbright Research Grant 2015: Archaeological Research and Cultural Heritage Education at the Xingu and Amazon Rivers. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Faculty Advisor: Helena Pinto Lima
- The UC Davis Research and Innovation Fellowship for Agriculture (RIFA) 2017
- Tinker Foundation Travel Grant 2018. Latin American Studies: Zooarchaeological Investigations at Shell Bearing Sites in the Baia de Caxuianã National Forest