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Nicolas Delsol

Photo of Nicolas Delsol



  • Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress
  • M.A. d’Anthropologie culturelle, Université de Strasbourg
  • B.A. d’Archéologie, Université de Strasbourg




Dr. Kitty Emery

Research Interests

Zooarchaeology, Mesoamerica, Mayan Archaeology, Colonial Spanish America, Colonial History and Archaeology, Subsistence and Food, Human/Animal Relationship

Selected Publications

DELSOL N., C. ZORRO, S. GROUARD. Estudio de las prácticas de caza en las Tierras bajas del Caribe: análisis comparativo de los conjuntos faunísticos de los sitios Karoline (Kukra Hill, Nicaragua) y Manzanilla (Trinidad). Arqueobios. 2015.

DELSOL N., S. GROUARD. Comments on Trinidad Amerindian hunting practices: The Tetrapods from Manzanilla (SAN-1) Site (Late Ceramic Age, 300-900 AD). Journal of Island and Coastal Archaoeology. 2015


Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

  • Fulbright Scholarship (Commission Franco-Américaine Fulbright), 2016

As this student has graduated, this information may not be up-to-date.