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Course Archives: Fall 2016


Course # Section Instructor Title (click for syllabus)
ANG 5354 18DH Kane, Abdoulaye Anthro of Mod Africa
ANG 5485 179A Johnson, Jeffrey C Research Design
ANG 5525 1696 Warren, Michael Wade Human Osteol & Osteom
ANG 6034 176G Chalfin, Brenda Helene Anthro Hist & Theory
ANG 6110 9723 Gillespie, Susan D Archaeological Theory
ANG 6128 17E9 Brandt, Steven Andrew Lithic Technology
ANG 6186 17EF Schmidt, Peter R Comm Arch & Heritage
ANG 6186 17FE Brandt, Steven Andrew Sem in Afr Archaeology
ANG 6286 17B2 Heckenberger, Michael Joseph Urban Landscape
ANG 6366 18E7 Shih, Chuan-Kang Fam/GNDR/Pop in China
ANG 6591L 1691 Mulligan, Connie Jo Adv Molecular Ant Lab
ANG 6905 073B Young, Alyson Gail Med Anth Journal Club
ANG 6905 28CG Emery, Katherine Freances Curr Issues in Arch
ANG 6905 9717 STAFF Individual Work
ANG 6910 12DF STAFF Supervised Research
ANG 6915 9715 STAFF Research Projects
ANG 6930 036H Kernaghan, Richard B Sensory Anthropology
ANG 6930 0468 Freeman, Richard B Researching Anthropology
ANG 6930 165C Daegling, David Applied Stats Bio Ant
ANG 6930 1686 Deleon, Valerie Burke Human Embryology
ANG 6930 17H0 Gravlee, Clarence C IV Racism, Medicine, and Health
ANG 6930 171B Kugelmass, Jack M Anthropology of Travel
ANG 6930 1782 Collings, Peter F Mod Hunters/Gatherers
ANG 6930 1791 Tucker, Catherine May Environmental Governance
ANG 6930 18A4 Schmink, Marianne C Development Theory Practice in Latin America
ANG 6930 18BE Broadwell, George Aaron Linguistic Field Methods
ANG 6930 18D5 Kernaghan, Richard B Ethnographic Writing
ANG 6930 18E5 Ostebo, Marit Tolo Feminist Anthropology
ANG 6930 18G9 Stoilkova, Maria Milkova Global Mobility/Migration
ANG 6930 2B32 Arfi, Khadidja Ethnographic Methods
ANG 6930 224G Davidson, James M

Mulligan Connie Jo

Proseminar: Biological Anthropology and Archeology
ANG 6940 2209 STAFF Supervised Teaching
ANG 6945 221A STAFF Internship in Anthropology
ANG 6971 9711 STAFF Masters Research
ANG 7979 9710 STAFF Advanced Research
ANG 7980 9709 STAFF Doctoral Research


Course # Section Instructor Title (click for syllabus)
ANT 2000 18F3



Sassaman, Kenneth Edward Jr. General Anthropology

(Sections 18F3 and 18F7)

(Section 6354)

ANT 2000 5619 Duffy, Lisa G General Anthropology
ANT 2140 0380


McFadden, Paulette M Intro World Archaeology
ANT 2140 6964






Lawres, Nathan R Intro World Archaeology
ANT 2301 ALL Young, Alyson Gail Human Sexuality and Culture
ANT 2410 0292






Shih, Chuan-Kang Cultural Anthropology
ANT 2410 18F8


Andrews, Deborah J Cultural Anthropology
ANT 3141 1A98


Mahar, Ginessa J Development of World Civilization
ANT 3141 17E4 Schmidt, Peter R Development of World Civilization
ANT 3302 3218 Grafft-Weiss, Amber J Sex Roles Cross-Culturally
ANT 3420 223E Gillespie, Susan D Consumer Culture
ANT 3451 1D23


Ibarrola, Mary E Race and Racism
ANT 3478 0736


Chapman, Kelly S Global Health Culture
ANT 3514C ALL Deleon, Valerie Burke Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANT 3515 05B4 Daegling, David Human Evolu Anatomy
ANT 3520 17CG


Stock, Michala K Skeleton Key Forensics
ANT 3520 4853 Coberly, Samantha W Skeleton Key Forensics
ANT 3620 1E79


King, Sean L Language and Culture
ANT 3620 177F Collings, Peter F Language and Culture
ANT 3860 0343 Granville, Ian Maurice Writing in Anthropology
ANT 3860 0345 Gu, Jandy A Writing in Anthropology
ANT 3930 033A Lad, Susan E The Primates
ANT 3930 09DC Jones, Kevin S Mat Impact on Society
ANT 3930 171D Wright, Robin Indigenous Rel Amer
ANT 3930 18DD Johnson, Jeffrey C Anthropology of Surfing
ANT 3930 18GD


Timmons, John E Digital Anthropology
ANT 3930 2A26 Arfi, Khadidja Islam Society and Culture
ANT 3930 2F15 Van Voorhis, Laura B Bioarch of Violence
ANT 4006 2E36 Ostebo, Marit Tolo Human Rights and Culture
ANT 4354 18D0 Kane, Abdoulaye Anthropology of Modern Africa
ANT 4366 18FA Shih, Chuan-Kang Fam Gender Pop China
ANT 4495 2A19 Arfi, Khadidja Ethnographic Methods
ANT 4525 0798 Warren, Michael Wade Human Osteology
ANT 4525 8944 Friend, Amanda N Human Osteology
ANT 4586 169C Krigbaum, John Human Evolution
ANT 4905 9727 STAFF Individual Work
ANT 4907 9726 STAFF Res Proj in Social Cu
ANT 4914 11D4 STAFF Departmental Honors
ANT 4930 17EH Schmidt, Peter R Community Archaeology and Heritage
ANT 4930 17FD Brandt, Steven Andrew Lithic Technology
ANT 4930 17FF Brandt, Steven Andrew Seminar in African Archaeology
ANT 4930 1786 Collings, Peter F Mod Hunters/Gatherers
ANT 4930 18BF Broadwell, George Aaron Linguistic Field Methods
ANT 4930 2D01 Ostebo, Marit Tolo Feminist Anthropology
ANT 4930 24HB Davidson, James M Historical Archaeology