This site has been established by past and present graduate students
of the C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory (opens in new tab) in dedication to Dr.
Maples, our mentor and teacher. We would like to tell you a little bit
about Dr. Maples as well as share some of our favorite photographs and
memories. Please join us in commemorating this great scientist.
Dead Men Do Tell Tales, by William R. Maples
Symposium: The Life’s Work of William R. Maples: A Tribute By His Colleagues, Students and Friends
About Bill Maples
- Honors and Certification
- Employment
- Gifts and Grants
- Publications
- Papers Presented
- Public Talks, Guest Lectures and Workshops
Honors and Certification
Distinguished Teacher Certificate (College of Arts and Sciences), 1973.
Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology, 1978-1997.
Member of Board of Directors of American Board of Forensic Anthropology, 1982-1989.
Treasurer, American Board of Forensic Anthropology, 1984-1987.
President of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology, 1987-1989.
State of Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission Instructor Certification, 1987-1992.
Member (appointed by Secretary of State), Historic Sites and Properties Advisory Council, 1976-1979.
Trustee of the Forensic Science Foundation, 1987-1995.
Treasurer of the Forensic Sciences Foundation, 1988-1991.
Chairman of the Research Committee, Forensic Sciences Foundation, 1988-1995.
Vice Chairman of the Forensic Sciences Foundation, 1991-1994.
Deputized by Alachua County (Florida) Sheriff, 1981-1992.
University of Florida President’s Council (Sustaining Member), 1980-1997.
Award of Merit – Presented by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 1984.
Certificate of Honor from the City of Lima, Peru, for research on
the remains of Don Francisco Pizarro, Founder of Lima, January 1985.
Distinguished Service Award for Criminal Justice, Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Chapter V, 1992.
Investigative Star from Gainesville, Florida Police Department
Homicide Task Force (investigation of 1990 Gainesville student
homicides), 1993.
Special Awards/Recognition, Gainesville Police Department Awards Ceremony, March 29, 1995.
T. Dale Stewart Award, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, 1996.
Distinguished Faculty Award, Florida Blue Key, University of Florida, Homecoming, October 1996.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Fellow)
Secretary, Physical Anthropology Section, 1977-1978.
Chairman, Physical Anthropology Section, 1978-1979.
Executive Committee Member (Fellow-at-Large), 1981-1984.
Program Chairman (Anthropology Section), 1982.
Member of Management Subcommittee, 1983-1984.
Editorial Board, Journal of Forensic Sciences1983-1997.
Vice President, 1986-1987.
Member of Board of Directors, 1989-1993.
Member of Strategic Planning Committee, 1990.
Program Chairman, (Academy) 1991.
Member of Oversight Task Force Committee, 1995.
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS: Research Assistant, Research Scientist, 1959-1963.
Darajani Primate Research Station, Darajani, Kenya, East Africa, Manager, 1962-1963.
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS: Teaching Assistant, 1963-1964.
Southwest Primate Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, Manager, 1964-1966.
WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY: Assistant Professor of Anthropology, 1966-1968.
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA: Assistant Professor of Anthropology,
1968-1972.; Tenured, 1972.; Associate Professor of Anthropology,
1972-1978.; Professor of Anthropology, 1978-1994.; Distinguished
Service Professor, 1994-1997.; Program Director, C.A. Pound Human
Identification Laboratory, 1996-1997.
Museum): Associate Curator of Physical Anthropology, 1972-1978.;
Curator of Physical Anthropology, 1978-1997.; Chairman, Department of
Social Sciences, 1973-1980.; Head, State Medical Museum, 1981-1986.;
Curator-in-Charge, C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory,
1986-1996.; Distinguished Service Professor, 1994-1996.
New York State Police Forensic Sciences Unit, 1987-1997.
Gifts and Grants:
1967-68 Pathology of the Kenya Baboon. Faculty Research Fund, Western Michigan University.
1969-70 Crop Raiding by Kenya Baboons. Biomedical Science Grant, University of Florida.
1969-72 Primate Adaptation to Ecological Change. National Science Foundation.
1972-73 Interaction and Differential Habitat Utilization of Four African Cercopithecoids. Biomedical Sciences Grant, University of Florida.
1973 Microscopic Examination and Identification of Museum Specimens. University of Florida Graduate School.
click to expand1978-79 Anthropological Remains from Florida’s Lakes and Streams. (Co-principal Investigator) National Science Foundation.
1978-79 Recovery and Preservation of Wooden Artifacts. (Co-principal Investigator) National Endowment for the Arts.
1982-83 The Nutritional Ecology of a Late Archaic Community. (Co-principal Investigator) Research Development Award, University of Florida.
1984 The Identification of Skeletal Remains Attributed to Francisco Pizarro. The Wentworth Foundation.
1984 Examination and Analysis of Mummified Remains Attributed to Francisco Pizarro. The Wentworth Foundation.
1984 The Death and Mortal Remains of Don Francisco Pizarro. An international conference funded by The Wentworth Foundation.
1985 Travel grant for invited representatives from the University of
Florida at the 450th anniversary of the founding of Lima, Peru, funded
by The Wentworth Foundation, January.
1985 Travel grant for travel to the People’s Republic of China funded by The Wentworth Foundation, June 27 – July 22.
1985 Travel grant funded by The Wentworth Foundation, April.
1986 The Endowment to establish The C. A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. A gift from C. Addison Pound, Jr.
1987 A Video Superimposition Capability for the C. A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. The Wentworth Foundation.
1988 Travel grant funded by The Wentworth Foundation for travel to Spain and England, September.
1988 Graduate assistantship for video superimposition research. University of Florida Graduate School.
1988 Data processing equipment update grant (especially in video and computer graphics). A gift from C. A. Pound, Jr.
1988 The Analysis by Video Superimposition of Tissue Thickness Changes of Joseph Merrick (The Elephant Man). The Wentworth Foundation.
1990 Travel grant funded by The Wentworth Foundation for travel to England, July 1990.
1991 Christopher Columbus. Travel grant funded by The Wentworth
Foundation for travel to the Dominican Republic to consult concerning
techniques that could be used to identify the remains of Christopher
Columbus in the Dominican Republic and Spain. January.
1991 President Zachary Taylor. Travel grant funded by The Wentworth
Foundation for travel to Louisville, Kentucky, to exhume President
Taylor, June 15-19.
1992 Examination of the Remains of Tsar Nicholas II and Other
Members of the Royal Household (by Invitation of the District of
Sverdlovsk, Russia). Travel grant funded by The Wentworth Foundation for travel to Ekaterinburg, Russia, July 19 – August 2.
1993 Examination and Photography of the Remains and Collection of
Samples for DNA of Tsar Nicholas II and Other Members of the Royal
Household (by Invitation of the District of Sverdlovsk, Russia). Travel grant funded in part by Unsolved Mysteries for travel to Ekaterinburg, Russia, April 14 – 25.
1993 Examination and Photography of the Remains and Collection of
Samples for DNA of Tsar Nicholas II and Other Members of the Royal
Household (by Invitation of the District of Sverdlovsk, Russia).
Travel grant funded in part by the Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research for travel to Ekaterinburg, Russia, April 14 –
1993 Examination and Photography of the Remains and Collection of
Samples for DNA of Tsar Nicholas II and Other Members of the Royal
Household (by Invitation of the District of Sverdlovsk, Russia). Travel grant funded by NOVA for travel to Ekaterinburg, Russia, July 11 – 22.
Maples, W.R. and T.W. McKern (1967). “A Preliminary Report on Classification of the Kenya Baboon”, In: The Baboon in Medical Research, (ed.) Harold Vagtborg. Vol. II, pp. 13-22. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas.
Herrman, G.R., J.E. Overall, L.D. Claborn, F.H. Kriewaldt, and
W.R. Maples (1967). “Body, Heart, Left and Right Ventricular, Left
Ventricular Free Wall, Right Ventricular Wall, and Septum Weights and
Ratios in the Baboon”, In: The Baboon in Medical Research, (ed.) Harold Vagtborg. Vol. II, pp. 535-546. University of Texas Press. Austin, Texas.
Maples, W.R. (1967). “An Analysis of the Taxonomic Status of the Kenya Baboon (Papio doguera and Papio cynocephalus)”. University Microfilms. Ann Arbor. 116 pp.
Maples, W.R. (1969). “Adaptive Behavior of Baboons” American Journal of Physical Anthropology. n.s. 31:107-109.
Maples, W.R. (1971) “Review of Evolution of Man”. Louise B. Young, Editor. American Anthropologist. 73:1426-27.
click to expandMaples, W.R. (1972). “Systematic Reconsideration and Revision of the Nomenclature of Kenya Baboons”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 36:9-19.
Maples, W.R. (1973). “Review of Journal of Human Evolution”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 39:481-82.
Maples, W.R. (1973). “The Physical Anthropologist in Primate Research Facilities in Africa”, In: Anthropology Beyond the University, (ed.) Irma Honigman. Proceedings No. 7 of the Southern Anthropological Society. pp. 18-27.
Maples, W.R. (1974). “Primate Behavior”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 40(1):128.
Maples, W.R. (1974). Baboons of Kenya. Television presentation for use in Alachua County Public Schools.
Burns, Karen R. and W.R. Maples (1976). “Estimation of Age from Individual Adult Teeth”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 21(2):343-56.
Maples, W.R., M.K. Maples, W.F. Greenhood, and M.L. Walek (1976). “Adaptations of Crop-raiding Baboons in Kenya”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 45:309-15.
Maples, W.R., A.B. Brown, and P.M. Hutchens (1976). “Introduced Monkey Populations at Silver Springs, Florida”. Florida Anthropologist. 29(4):133-36.
Moreno-Black, G. and W.R. Maples (1976). “Differential Habitat Utilization for Four Cercopithecidae in a Kenya Forest”. Folio Primatologica. 27:85-107.
Maples, W.R. (1978). “An Improved Technique Using Dental Histology for Estimation of Adult Age”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 23(4):764-70.
Maples, W.R. and P.M. Rice (1979). “Some Difficulties in the Gustafson Dental Age Estimations”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 24(1):168-72.
Maples, W.R. (1980). “The Practice of Forensic Physical Anthropology”. Florida Scientist. 43(3):2384.
Maples, W.R. (1981). “Bones and Teeth–Forensic Anthropology”, (A
computer program). Florida State Museum, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL.
Maples, W.R. (1983). “Review of Digging Up Bones by D. R. Brothwell”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 28(2):544.
Maples, W.R. (1983). “Review of The Aging Skeleton: Aspects of Human Bone Involution by Spencer L. Rogers”. American Anthropologist. 85(2):46264.
Maples, W.R. (1983). “Forensic Applications of Physical Anthropology”. Florida Journal of Anthropology. 8:7-13.
Maples, W.R. (1984). “Review of Handbook of Forensic Archaeology and
Anthropology by Dan Morse, Jack Duncan, and James Stoutamire”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 29:685-686.
Maples, W.R. (1984). “Review of Prehistoric Tuberculosis in the Americas, (ed.) J. Buikstra”. American Antiquity. 49:692.
Maples, W.R. (1984). “The Identifying Pathology”, In: Human Identification: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology, (eds.) T. A. Rathbun and J. E. Buikstra. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield. pp. 336-370.
Maples, W.R. (1986). “Trauma Analysis by the Forensic Anthropologist”, In: Forensic Osteology: Advances in Forensic Anthropology, (ed.) Kathleen J. Reichs. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield. pp. 218-228.
Maples, W.R. (1986). “The Microcomputer in Forensic Anthropology”, In: Forensic Osteology: Advances in Forensic Anthropology, (ed.) Kathleen J. Reichs. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield. pp. 308-320.
Kohn, L.A.P., K.A. Bennett, and W.R. Maples (1988). “Forensic
Identification”, (A computer program). University of Wisconsin.
Madison, Wisconsin.
Goza, W., W. R. Maples, R. Benfer, and H. Ludéna (1988). Vida y Muerte de Don Francisco Pizarro: Un Caso de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Investigacion de un Personaje Historico del Siglo XVI. Proceedings of the XVII Cologuios Historicos de Extremadura. Trujillo, Spain.
Goza, W., H. Ludéna, and W. R. Maples (1989). Gonzalo Silvestre: Un Soldado de Extremadura, Sobreviviente de la Expedición de Hernando de Soto a la Florida (1539-1543). Proceedings of the XVIII Coloquios Historicos de Extrememadura. Trujillo, Spain.
Maples, W.R., B.P. Gatliff, H. Ludéna, R. Benfer, and W. Goza (1989). “The Death and Mortal Remains of Francisco Pizarro”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 34(4):1021-1036.
Maples, W. R. (1989). “The Practical Application of Age Estimation Techniques”. In: Age Markers in the Human Skeleton, (ed.)Mehmet Yasar Iscan. Charles C. Thomas. Springfield. pp. 319-324.
Maples, W.R. (1993). “Anthropological Evidence”. In: Death Investigation and Examination, (ed.) Michael I. Shchaffer. Forensic Sciences Foundation. Colorado Springs.
Austin-Smith, D. and W. R. Maples (1994). “The Reliability of Skull/Photograph Superimposition in Individual Identification”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 39(2):44655.
Maples, W.R. and M. Browning (1994). Dead Men Do Tell Tales. Doubleday Publishers.
Maples, W.R. and M. Browning (1994). Dead Men Do Tell Tales. Doubleday Publishers. Japanese translation published through The English Agency (Japan) Letc.
Maples, W.R. and M. Browning (1995). Dead Men Do Tell Tales. Souvenir Press. London, England.
Maples, W.R. and M. Browning (1996). Knochengefluster: mysteriosen Kriminal- und Todesfallen auf der Spur Birkhauser Verlag. Basel, Switzerland.
Maples, W.R. (1994). “Review of Forensic Analysis of the Skull by Mehmet Yasar Iscan and Richard P. Helmer”. American Journal of Human Biology. 6(5):676-677.
Maples, W.R. (1995). “Forensic Anthropology”. Miami Medicine. May. pp. 32-33.
Albert, A.M. and W.R. Maples (1995). “Stages of Epiphyseal Union
for Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebral Centra as a Method of Age
Determination for Teenage and Young Adult Skeletons”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 40(4):623-633.
Maples, W.R. and M. Browning (1996). “Dead Men Do Tell Tales”, (from the book). Reader’s Digest. April pp 127-130.
Fitzpatrick, J.J., M.D.; D.R. Shook, M.D., M.S.; B.L. Kaufman, M.D.;
S.J. Wu, M.S.; R.J. Kirschner, M.D.; H. MacMahon, M.D.; L.J. Levine,
D.D.S.; W.R. Maples, Ph.D.; and D. Charletta, M.D. (1996). “Optical
and Digital Techniques for Enhancing Radiographic Anatomy for
Identification of Human Remains”. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 41(6):947-959.
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:
1962 Skeletal Material from the Sanders Focus. Caddoan Conference, Austin, Texas.
1969 Crop Raiding by Baboons. Southern Anthropological Society, New Orleans, March.
1971 Bipedal and Tripedal Activity in Free-Ranging Baboons. Southern Anthropological Society, Dallas, April.
1971 Farming for Baboons. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Boston, April.
1971 Crop Predation by Baboons. American Anthropological Association, New York, November.
click to expand1972 The Physical Anthropologist in Primate Research Facilities in Africa. Southern Anthropological Society. Columbia, Missouri, February.
1973 Primate Field Studies Outside of Game Parks. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Dallas, April.
1973 The Excavation and Identification of Human Skeletal Remains. Florida State Division of the International Association for Identification, Gainesville (Invited speaker), June 16.
1973 Implications of Polytypism of Kenya Baboons. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, December.
1974 Introduced Monkey Populations at Silver Springs, Florida (With Antoinette Brown and Michael Hutchens). American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, April.
1975 Estimation of Age from Individual Adult Teeth. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Chicago, February.
1975 Anthropology at the Florida State Museum. Southern Anthropological Society, Clearwater Beach, Florida, April.
1976 Identification Based on Pathology of the Temporal Bone. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Washington, D.C., February.
1977 The Rhesus Monkeys of Florida. Florida Academy of Sciences, Gainesville, March 25.
1977 Estimation of Age from Sectioned Teeth. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Seattle, April.
1977 The Use of Dental Histology in Aging Adult Human Remains.
Pan American Conference on the Forensic Aspects of Anthropology,
Dentistry, Pathology, and Paleopathology; Mexico City, November.
1978 The Gustafson Technique Revisited. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, St. Louis, February.
1979 Forensic Physical Anthropology. Junior-American Academy of Forensic Sciences (6 presentations), Atlanta, February 16.
1979 Progress on Histological Aging of Teeth. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Atlanta, February 16.
1979 The Practice of Forensic Physical Anthropology. Florida Academy of Sciences, Miami, March.
1979 Nonhuman Primates in Florida. Florida Audubon Society (Florida Exotic, Non-Native Species Conference), Boca Raton, April 20.
1980 Was She a He or He a She? American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, February 22. Joint presentation with Clyde Snow.
1980 The Use of Dental Histology in Age Determinations. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Niagara Falls, April.
1980 Forensic Anthropology. Eighth Annual Medical Examiners Education Conference, Jacksonville Beach, October 18.
1981 Fooling Mother Nature and the Forensic Anthropologist. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Los Angeles, February 19.
1981 Sexual Behavior of Japanese and Rhesus Macaques. Florida Academy of Sciences, Orlando, May. Joint presentation with Linda D. Wolfe and Elizabeth H. Peters.
1981 Human Skeletal Remains from the Bay West Nursery Site. (Invited Paper) Southwest Florida Archeological Conference, Naples, Florida, May 30-31.
1982 Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, February 11.
1982 Introducing the Archaeologist to Forensic Anthropology. (Invited Paper) Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Memphis, October 28.
1983 A Microcomputer Program for Forensic Anthropology. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Cincinnati, February 17.
1983 Forensic Applications of Physical Anthropology. Invited paper at Florida Academy of Sciences, Melbourne, Florida, April 9.
1983 Victim Identification of Skeletal Remains. Florida Medical Examiners Commission 1983 Educational Conference, Tampa, Florida, October 8.
1985 The Death and Mortal Remains of Francisco Pizarro. Invited paper at The Last Word Society, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 14.
1986 The Estimation of Age by Histological Analysis of Teeth. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, February 14.
1988 Identification of the Cremated Remains in the Meek/Jennings Case. American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Philadelphia, February 18. Joint presentation with Curtis A. Mertz.
1988 Vida y Muerte de Don Francisco Pizarro: Un Caso de Ciencias
Aplicadas a la Investigacion de un Personaje Historico del Siglo XVI.XVII
Coloquios Historicos de Extremadura, Trujillo, Spain, Sept. 24. Jointly
presented by William. Goza, Robert. Benfer, and Hugo Ludéna.
1988 The Use of Video Superimposition of Antemortem and Postmortem Radiographs for Individual Identification.
Advances in Skull Identification via Video Superimposition.
International Symposium and Workshop, Kiel, West Germany, August 4.
1989 Gonzalo Silvestre: Un Soldado de Extremadura, Sobreviviente de la Expedición de Hernando de Soto a la Florida (1539-1543). XVIII Coloquios Historicos de Extremadura, Trujillo, Spain, September 30. Jointly presented by William. Goza and Hugo Ludéna.
1990 Examination of Joseph Merrick, The Elephant Man, by Superimposition.
Invited paper at the Last Word Society, American Academy of Forensic
Sciences, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22. Jointly presented by William.
Goza and Margaret Maples.
1991 Anthropological Investigations in the Meeks-Jennings Case. Florida Medical Examiners Educational Conference, Gainesville, November 22.
1991 Co-Chairman of Deaths in Custody/Serial Homicide. 19th Annual
Medical Examiners Educational Conference, Florida Association of
Medical Examiners, Gainesville, November 21-23.
1991 Zachary Taylor: What Really Killed “Old Rough and Ready”. Florida Medical Examiners Educational Conference, Gainesville, November 23.
1991 What Bones Tell Us. American College of Veterinary Pathologists, Orlando, December 11.
1992 Photo/Video Superimposition in Individual Identification of the Living. Jointly presented by Dana Austin-Smith, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, February 21.
1992 The Assassination of Czar Nicholas – What Happened to Anastasia? American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Dallas, November 13.
1993 Nicholas and Alexandra! Anastasia and Alexei? The Search for the Tsar.
Seminar organizer. Jointly presented by W. R. Maples, Alexander N.
Avdonin, Michael M. Baden, William M. Goza, Lowell J. Levine, Cathryn
L. Oakes., American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Boston, February 19.
1993 The Results of the University of Florida Analysis of the Skeletal Remains in Ekaterinburg. The International Conference of the Romanovs’ Dynasty in the History of Russia, Ekaterinburg, Russia, July 14.
Public Talks, Guest Lectures, & Workshops:
1969 Coastal Baboons of Kenya. University of Florida Anthropology Club.
1970 Primate Studies in Kenya. Geography Seminar, University of Florida.
1970 Adaptive Primate Behavior. Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville.
1973 Primate Studies Outside of Game Parks. Florida State Museum Seminar, February 28.
1973 Adaptive Primate Behavior. Ecology Seminar, University of Florida.
click to expand1974-83 Hacked Bones. Student Science Training Program
(Governor’s Summer Program for gifted and academically talented
students), University of Florida.
1974 Some Thoughts on Forensic Identification. Florida State Museum Seminar, February 22.
1974 The Study of Primates. Northeast Florida Anthropological Society, Jacksonville, Florida, December.
1974 University of Florida Radio Show on Baboons.
1975 Primate Studies. Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, February 10.
1975 What Bones and Bodies Tell Us. Banquet address, Florida Anthropological Society, Ocala, Florida, February.
1975 The Florida State Museum. Gainesville Rotary Club, June 30.
1976 Jack the Ripper, an Applied Anthropologist? University of Florida Anthropological Student Association, January 22.
1976 Agriculture for Baboons. Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, October 15.
1976 WUFT TV shows (2) August and November.
1977 Primate Dentition. Two seminars presented to graduate
students, Department of Orthodontics, University of Florida College of
Dentistry, November 1 and 10.
1977 WUFT television show. Uniscope.
1977 Baboon Studies in Kenya. Gator Exchange Club, January 5.
1977 Adaptive Crop-Raiding Behavior. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, April 12.
1977 Dental Histology and Forensic Identification. Graduate Seminar, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, April 13.
1977 Bones and Bodies. Keynote address to Annual Junior Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, Gainesville, Florida, January.
1978 Physical Anthropology in the Modern World. Banquet address, U. S. Army Jr. Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, University of Florida, January.
1978 Bones and Bodies in Forensic Anthropology. All-college Lecture, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, April 20.
1978 Bones of Contention. Banquet Address, Athenium Club, University of Florida, April 28.
1978 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, September 28.
1978 Dealing with Skeletal Bodies. Instructor in
“Comprehensive Investigation of Death”, organized by The American
Society of Clinical Pathologists and the Florida Medical Examiners
Commission, Orlando, Florida, October 21.
1979 Bones and Bodies. Florida State Museum Associates, Florida State Museum, January 12.
1979 Primate Dentition. Two seminars presented to graduate
students, Department of Orthodontics, University of Florida College of
Dentistry, March 1 and 8.
1979 Bodies I Have Known. Banquet address, Alachua General Hospital Auxiliary, March 14.
1979 Forensic Anthropology in the Modern World. Bethune Cookman College (American Anthropological Association Visiting Scientist Program), Daytona Beach, Florida, April 1.
1979 Forensic Identification. Presentation to Criminal Justice Students, University of Florida, May 2.
1979 Teeth in Forensic Identification. Banquet address, School of Dentistry’s Honor Fraternity, University of Florida, June 7.
1979 Physical Anthropology in the Schools. Pinellas County Science Teachers, Largo, Florida, August 29.
1979 Identification of Human Remains, a Symposium. Workshop organized by Orlando Police, Orlando, November 12 and 13.
1979 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida.
1980 Primate Dentition. Two seminars presented to graduate
students, Department of Orthodontics, University of Florida College of
Dentistry, January 4 and 22.
1980 Bodies I Have Known. Alachua County Historical Society, February 11.
1980 Skeletal Identification. University of Florida Anthropology Students Association, May 29.
1980 Forensic Anthropology. University of Florida Pre-Medical Fraternity, July 16.
1980 Forensic Anthropology at the Florida State Museum. Gainesville Rotary Club, August 5.
1980 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., October 8 and 9.
1980 Human Identification. Community Leadership Program participants, Alachua County Schools, November 14.
1980 Skeletal Syphilis, a Case Report. Orthopedic Pathology Staff Meeting (J. Hillis Miller Health Center), October 28.
1980 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, November 12.
1980 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in workshop, Identification of Human Remains, Valencia Community College, Orlando, December 3.
1981 Human Identification. Community Leadership Program participants, Alachua County Schools, February 2.
1981 Bones of Homicide: Bare Hands to Meat Cleavers. Museum Scientist Series, Florida State Museum, January 11 and May 3.
1981 Forensic Anthropology. Regional Law Enforcement Executive Committee, Gainesville, April 23.
1981 Basic Identification of Hair. Special workshop for Florida Fish and Game Department, Florida State Museum, April 29.
1981 Forensic Anthropology. Brevard County Medical Examiners Conference, Brevard Community College, Cocoa, Florida, May 28.
1981 Forensic Anthropology. Workshop presented to Santa Fe Community College Police Academy, Gainesville, Florida, August 27.
1981 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., October 7-8.
1981 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in workshop, Identification of Human Remains, Valencia Community College, Orlando, Florida, October 19.
1981 Histological Aging of Teeth. Graduate seminars and workshops, Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia, November 5 and 6.
1981 Bones of Homicide: Bare Hands to Meat Cleavers. Public lecture, University of Missouri, Columbia, November 5.
1981 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, November 9 and 13.
1982 Forensic Anthropology. Kiwanis Club, Gainesville, June 2.
1982 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., October 6 and 7.
1982 Bodies I Have Known. Banquet address, Natural Science for Youth Foundation Annual Meeting, Gainesville, November 10.
1982 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, November 22.
1982 Forensic Anthropology. Incomplete Body Workshop, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Miami, December 1.
1982 Bones of Homicide. Retired Faculty Club, University of Florida, December 15.
1982 The Application of Forensic Anthropology in Crime Detection. Torch Club, Gainesville, December 16.
1983 Human Skeletal Remains. Training Conference of the International Association of Identification, Orlando, August 15.
1983 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., October 5 and 6.
1984 The Role of Murder and Mayhem in Anthropology. Museum Scientist Series, Florida State Museum, January 15.
1984 Physical Anthropology in Science Education. Orange County Science Teachers Workshop, Orlando, January 24.
1984 Identification of Human Remains. U. S. Army Jr. Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, University of Florida, January 30.
1984 WUFT television show, Five Alive, January 31.
1984 Forensic Anthropology. Gainesville Press Club, February 2.
1984 Forensic Anthropology at The Florida State Museum. Rotary Club, Ft. Myers, February 28.
1984 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in workshop, Identification of Human Remains, Valencia Community College, Orlando, Florida, February 29.
1984 The Fatal Wounds to Don Francisco Pizarro. Florida State Museum Associates, April 11.
1984 Applied Human Osteology. Laboratory for Bone and Joint Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, July 9.
1984 WUFT television show Conversations with Mike Gannon, September 28.
1984 Forensic Reconstruction of the Death of Pizarro.
International Conference on The Death and Dying of Don Francisco
Pizarro, Florida State Museum, University of Florida, September 26.
1984 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C., October 17 and 18.
1984 The Death of Francisco Pizarro. Museum Science Series, Florida State Museum, November 4.
1984 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, December 10.
1984 The Murder of Francisco Pizarro. Rotary Club, December 11.
1985 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in workshop, Identification of Human Remains, Valencia Community College, Orlando, Florida, March 28.
1985 Forensic Anthropology. Chiefs of Police of the State of Florida university systems, University of Florida, April 26.
1985 Invited lecture series on Forensic Sciences. Second Shanghai
Medical School and Xian Medical School, People’s Republic of China,
June 27- July 22.
1985 Forensic Anthropology. Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee for North Florida, August 7.
1985 Whispers of the Dead. Invited lecture, Frontiers of Science, University of Florida, September 11.
1985 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C., October 30 and 31.
1985 Anthropology in Death Investigations. Florida Intelligence Unit, Gainesville, Florida, November 7.
1985 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Medical Death
Investigation organized by Center for Criminal Justice Continuing
Education, Gainesville, Florida, November 15.
1985 Investigation in the Death of Francisco Pizarro. Public lecture at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, November 24.
1986 The Wounds to Francisco Pizarro, a Case Report. Orthopedic Pathology Staff Meeting, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, January 15.
1986 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, January 24.
1986 Bullets, Meat Cleavers, Axes, and Machetes, as Seen by the Forensic Anthropologist. Featured address, U. S. Army Jr. Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, University of Florida, February 4.
1986 Forensic Anthropology. Kiwanis Club, Dunnellon, Florida, April 22.
1986 Forensic Anthropology, an Application of Science. Guest Lecture to Pinellas County Science Teachers, Largo, Florida, August 20.
1986 The Identification of Francisco Pizarro. Guest Lecture to Pinellas County Science Teachers, Largo, Florida, August 20.
1986 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C., September 10 and 11.
1986 Whispers of the Dead. Instructor for workshop presented by the Space Coast Institute for Medical and Legal Education, Orlando, November 1.
1987 Roles of the Forensic Anthropologist. Department of the Prosecuting Attorney, City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii, February 11.
1987 Forensic Anthropology for Law Enforcement. Institute of Public Safety, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, Florida, March 4 and 5.
1987 Do You Do What I Think You Do? The Role of the C. A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. Florida State Museum, Gainesville, Florida, March 7.
1987 Forensic Anthropology for Teachers. Alachua County Science and Social Science Teachers, Gainesville, Florida, March 11.
1987 The Application of Anthropology in the Courts. North Central Florida Association of Legal Assistants, Gainesville, Florida, March 12.
1987 The C. A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. In Focus, a Public Affairs Program, Channel 51, Ocala, Florida, March 29.
1987-88 Forensic Anthropology. Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, University of Florida.
1987 The Uses of Forensic Anthropology. Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Gainesville, September 16.
1987 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C., October 7 and 8.
1987 Forensic Services of the Florida State Museum. Florida Homicide Investigator’s Association, Tampa, Oct. 16.
1987 The C. A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. Florida Prosecutor’s Association, Tampa, Nov. 12.
1987 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, December 8.
1988 The Forensic Anthropologist. U. S. Army Jr. Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium, University of Florida, February 2.
1988 The Identification of Human Remains. Banquet address at the Columbia County Science Fair, Lake City, Florida, February 26.
1988 The Use of Video Superimposition in Identification. NE Florida Intelligence Unit, Gainesville, April 21.
1988 Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology. Fifth Judicial Circuit’s State Attorney’s Twenty-Second Annual Seminar for Law Enforcement Officers, Ocala, May 12.
1988 Advanced Techniques in the Identification of the Living and Dead.
Program Director and Presenter of “Video Comparisons of Skulls and
Photos: Antemortem and Postmortem Radiographs”, Space Coast Institute
for Medical and Legal Education, Orlando, May 14 and 15.
1988 Confessions of a Serial Macerator. National Science and Humanities Symposium, University of Florida, May 20.
1988 Adventures of a Serial Macerator. University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, September 15.
1988 The Uses and Abuses of the Forensic Dental and Forensic Anthropology Expert (presented with Curtis A. Mertz). Fifth National Conference of Expert Witnesses and Litigation Consultants, Miami, December 3.
1988 Forensic Anthropology. Part of special presentation in
Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis Miller Health
Center, University of Florida, December 13.
1989 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C., April 17.
1989 Forensic Anthropology. University of South Florida, Tampa, May 11.
1989 Hacked Bones–Forensic Anthropology. Florida Foundation for Future Sciences, Gainesville, July 17.
1989 The Quality and Lab Expertise as Seen by an Outsider Looking In. National League of Families, Washington, D.C., July 28.
1989 The Role of the Forensic Anthropologist in Arson Investigation. Pennsylvania Association of Arson Investigators, Meadville, Pa., September 9.
1989 Who Done It? Talking Meds. J. Hillis Miller Medical Center, Gainesville, September 13.
1989 Forensic Anthropology. Col. Henry F. Williams Homicide Seminar, New York State Police, Albany, N.Y., September 21.
1989 Weapons and Bones. National Association of Medical Examiners, Sanibel, FL, October 18.
1989 Forensic Anthropology in Homicide Investigation. Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Educational Commission, Clearwater Beach, FL., November 2.
1989 Pathology lecture on forensic anthropology. Part of special
presentation in Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis
Miller Health Center, University of Florida, November 16.
1990 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Dentistry
workshop organized by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., March 19.
1990 Forensic Anthropology. Lions Club, Gainesville, May 1.
1990 The Role and Scope of the Forensic Anthropologist. Institute of Public Safety, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, June 14.
1990 Talking Bones. Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, University of Florida, Gainesville, July 18.
1990 Identification Through Faces: Video Skull Imposition. Southern Association of Forensic Sciences, Jacksonville, September 5.
1990 Talking Meds. J. Hillis Miller Health Center, Gainesville, September 12.
1990 BBC-2, London, television show, Timewatch: Helping the Police with Their Inquiries, September 19.
1990 Forensic Anthropology. Col. Henry F. Williams Homicide Seminar, New York State Police, Albany, N.Y., November 7.
1990 The Role and Scope of the Forensic Anthropologist. Death Investigators Course, Northeast Florida Criminal Justice and Education, Jacksonville, November 12.
1990 Tales from Bones. Frontiers of Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, November 28.
1990 Pathology lecture on Forensic Anthropology. Part of special
presentation in Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis
Miller Health Center, University of Florida, December 18.
1991 The Role of the Forensic Anthropologist in Death Investigation. County of Suffolk Police Department, Yaphank, New York, January 7.
1991 Forensic Anthropology at the Pound Laboratory. Retired Faculty Club of the University of Florida, January 9.
1991 Forensic Anthropology. University of Miami Pathology Residents, Dade County Medical Examiner’s Office, Miami, Florida, January 24.
1991 Forensic Anthropology. Florida Intelligence Unit, Gainesville, FL, March 19.
1991 Making Bones Talk. Florida Museum of Natural History Associates, Gainesville, FL, April 21.
1991 Digging for Clues. Arts and Entertainment Network. Program shown nationally twice in the month of May.
1991 Dialog. Television program on WUFT-TV, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. aired May l2 & l3.
1991 Tales from Bones. Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, University of Florida, Gainesville, June 24.
1991 Forensic Anthropology and President Zachary Taylor. University City Kiwanis Club, September 24.
1991 Forensic Anthropology. Col. Henry F. Williams Homicide Seminar, New York State Police, Albany, N.Y., October 2.
1991 Whispers of the Dead. Florida State Science Teachers, West Palm Beach, Florida, October 18.
1991 Forensic Anthropology. Regional Organized Crime Information Center Conference, Panama City, Florida, October 22.
1991 Forensic Anthropology. Instructor in Forensic Aspects of
Mass Disasters organized by U.S. Department of Justice International
Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), Panama
City, Panama, November 4-9.
1991 President Zachary Taylor. History Club, Eastside High School, Gainesville, November 26.
1991 Pathology lecture on forensic anthropology. Part of special
presentation in Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis
Miller Health Center, University of Florida, December 5.
1992 President Zachary Taylor. Alachua County Medical Society Banquet membership meeting, Gainesville, FL, January 14.
1992 The Exhumation and Examination of President Zachary Taylor.
Invited slide presentation jointly presented by Dr. Clara Rising and
Dr. Richard Greathouse, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New
Orleans, February 19.
1992 Talk of the Nation. Science Friday, National Public Radio, March 10.
1992 Presentation to Forensic Anthropology students at the University of South Florida, Tampa, April 20.
1992 Presentation on Forensic Anthropology, Critical Care Grand
Rounds, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Florida College of
Medicine, Gainesville, June 9.
1992 The Language of Bones: On the Trail of Unsolved Mysteries with Forensic Experts – Conquerors, Presidents and Carnivals. Presentation to Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate Program Campus on the Mall, Washington, D.C., August 3.
1992 Forensic anthropology lecture to Pathology class , J. Hillis Miller Health Center, University of Florida, September 29.
1992 Bones of Columbus. National Press Club evening program, Washington, DC, October 9.
1992 Television show, The Discovery Channel, The Feuding Tombs of Christopher Columbus, October.
1992 Forensic anthropology presentation, Santa Fe Community College
Institute of Public Safety – Injury and Death Investigation Course for
Police Academy, Gainesville, FL, October 15.
1992 The Deaths of the Romanovs’ – What Happened to Anastasia? Lima Memorial Hospital Staff Annual Banquet, Lima, OH, December 8.
1993 The Investigation of Deaths of International Interest. Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, January 23.
1993 Our Dead Bodies Must Tell the Tale. Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, University of Florida, Gainesville, February 1.
1993 What Happened to Anastasia? Identification of the Murdered Russian Royal Family. Five presentations for the North Trust Bank, Naples, FL, February 10 and 11.
1993 Superimposition Techniques. Gainesville Police Department North Florida Intelligence Unit reception, Gainesville, March 11.
1993 Nicholas and Alexandra. Kiwanis Club. Gainesville, March 31.
1993 Our Dead Bodies Must Tell the Tale. Fermilab Colloquium, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, April 7.
1993 Francisco Pizarro Studies. Cayetano Heredia Alumni Second Reunion, The Peruvian-American Endowment, Fort Lauderdale, April 10.
1993 Examination of Human Remains. Exhumation of Human
Remains Workshop, presented by The Dade County Medical Examiner
Department and the Metro-Dade Police Department, Miami, April 26-30.
1993 Conversations With Dead Bodies. 13th Annual Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP), Florida Foundation for Future Scientists. Gainesville, June 3.
1993 The Human Skull: Superimposition and Reconstruction. 78th Annual Educational Conference, International Association for Identification, Orlando, July 27.
1993 Forensic Anthropology. Col. Henry F. Williams Homicide Seminar, New York State Police, Albany, N.Y., September 17-20.
1993 Pathology lecture on forensic anthropology. Part of special
presentation in Forensic Medicine, Department of Pathology, J. Hillis
Miller Health Center, University of Florida, October 6.
1993 Forensic Anthropology. Marion County Bar Association, Ocala, FL, March 8.
1993 Identifying the Romanovs’ Remains. Florida Chapter, Mystery Writers of America, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, March 12.
1993 Forensic Lecture, Gulf Coast Community College Seminar, Panama City, FL, March 14.
1994 The Identification of the Remains of the Russian Royal Family. The Howe Society, Gainesville, FL, April 11.
1994 Our Dead Bodies Must Tell the Tale. The College of Physicians, Thomas Dent Mütter Lecture, Philadelphia, PA, April 13.
1994 A Forensic Anthropologist and the Romanovs’. College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiological Sciences, Gainesville, FL, June 10.
1994 Dead People Do Tell Tales. Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, July 1.
1994 Forensic Anthropology. West Central Florida Police Chiefs Association, Tavares, FL, August 18.
1994 The Use of Anthropology in Reconstructing Homicide Scenes. Fort Myers Police Department, Fort Myers, FL, August 21.
1994 Scientific Investigation of the Death of Russia’s Last Tsar. Frontiers of Science, Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, September 7.
1994 Forensic Anthropology. Col. Henry F. Williams Homicide Seminar, Albany, NY, September 25.
1994 Forensic Anthropology: Interface with Natural History. Zoology Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, September 27.
1994 The Role of the Forensic Anthropologist in Resolving Medical Controversies. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 12.
1994 Death of the Tsar. Honors Course, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 20.
1994 Good Morning America, ABC, October 31.
1994 Death of the Tsar. Gainesville Sunrise Rotary Club, Gainesville, FL, December 1.
1994 Science and Justice. Instructor for IDH 2931 section 6858 – Fall 1994, University of Florida Honors Program, Gainesville, FL.
1995 Historical Cases. University of Florida Medical Guild, Gainesville, FL, March 3.
1995 Discussion of Dead Men Do Tell Tales. The Book Club of Ocala Women’s Club, Ocala, FL, March 9.
1995 Discussion of Dead Men Do Tell Tales. National Library Week, The Clearwater Public Library System, Clearwater, FL, April 10.
1995 Discussion of Dead Men Do Tell Tales. Oak Hall School, Gainesville, FL, April 26.
1995 Forensic Anthropology. Gainesville Rotary Club, Gainesville, FL, May 23.
1995 Science and Justice. Instructor for IDH 2931 section 8589 – Spring 1995, University of Florida Honors Program, Gainesville, FL.
1995 Dead Men Do Tell Tales. Florida Foundation for Future Scientists, University of Florida, Gainesville, June 26.
1995 Gainesville Student Homicide Case, Serial Crime and Major Case
Investigations Conference, Gainesville Police Department, Orlando, FL,
August 1.
1995 Non-Classical Arson Evidence Panel Discussion, An International
Symposium on the Forensic Aspects of Arson Investigations, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, George Mason
University, Fairfax, VA, August 3.
1995 Dead Men Do Tell Tales. American Museum of Natural History, Kaufmann Theater, New York, NY, October 5.
1995 Truth Is Discoverable: The Science of Bones – Equal Parts Knowledge and Empathy.
The International Association of Forensic Nurses, Third Annual
Scientific Assembly of Forensic Nurses – From Trauma to Trial, In
association with: The Department of Emergency Medicine, The School of
Nursing at University of Louisville, The Kentuckiana Emergency Nurses
Association, Louisville, KY, October 7.
1995 Anastasia Dead or Alive, NOVA, October 13.
1996 Creatures of Crime, Produced by BBC for NATURE, February 5.
1996 Forensic Anthropology: Cremation Litigation. Justice Adkins Inns of Court, University of Florida College of Law, Gainesville, FL, February 15
1996 Banquet Speaker, Forensic Anthropology and Odontology in
Medicolegal Investigations, Office of the Medical Investigator – State
of New Mexico and The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 1.
1996 Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights. Forensic
Anthropology and Odontology in Medicolegal Investigations, Office of
the Medical Investigator – State of New Mexico and The Maxwell Museum
of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May
1996 The New Detectives, Discovery Channel, June 11 and 12.
1996 Forensic Anthropology. Col. Henry F. Williams Homicide Seminar, Albany, NY, October 1.
1996 Fire and Heat Changes in Human Remains. Florida Advisory Committee on Arson Prevention, Orange Park, FL, October 10.