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Anthropology Advising

Fall 2024 Welcome newsletter from Dr. Bogart

Undergraduate Coordinator Dr. Stephanie Bogart 



Fall 22 Office Hours: By appointment using Microsoft Bookings. Students can book any times available under course, advising, or Friday Zoom options.
Office: B137 Turlington Hall

Students might request an appointment with the Undergraduate Coordinator to discuss topics including (but not limited to) their degree plan and courses, major or minor requirements, transfer credits, difficulties in completing the semester, graduation, study abroad, internships or future plans. Advising appointment requests should be submitted using Microsoft Bookings.

Academic Advising at UF

The Academic Advising Center (AAC) serves all CLAS students and is the place to go for information about non-anthropology requirements for your Bachelor’s degree. The AAC advisors are professionally trained and can assist with interpreting your degree audit and can advise on your “program plan” with respect to majors/minors/certificates, etc. For more information on general UF academic advising, please visit the Academic Advising Center at UF.

Listserv – all majors are automatically signed up once your major is official. 

Non-Majors: Join the APY listserv – As a subscriber you will have the opportunity to: 

  • Learn of upcoming APY and related events on campus
  • Get news on APY and related opportunities for field schools, volunteering, internships, and more
  • Find out about extracurricular programs for APY students as they are announced
  • Be a part of the entire UF APY community!

How to subscribe:

  1. Send an email to (notice there is no “E” in listserv) with the following one-line message in the body:
    SUBSCRIBE APY-MAJORS firstname lastname
    For example: SUBSCRIBE APY-MAJORS John Doe
  2. You will then be sent a confirmation by email. You will have to type “OK” and reply back to the listserv manager to complete subscription.
  3. Finally, you will be sent an email explaining how to use the listserv, including how to send messages to all the list’s subscribers.

To unsubscribe from the list at any time:

  1. Send an email to with the following one-line message in the body:
  2. You will then be sent a confirmation message and an exit message from the listserv manager.