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Study Abroad and Field Schools

Photo Courtesy of Liz Ibarrola
Photo Courtesy of Liz Ibarrola

Anthropology students at the University of Florida have a wealth of opportunities to immerse themselves in diverse cultures through various study abroad programs and field schools. UF offers an extensive array of study abroad options, allowing students to engage directly with cultures distinct from their own from around the globe. Whether participating in archaeological excavations, or conducting ethnographic research, students may gain invaluable firsthand experience in anthropology. These programs may not only broaden students’ cultural perspectives but can also enhance their research skills and academic curiosities. Field schools further complement this learning experience by providing practical, hands-on training in excavation techniques, data collection, and analysis, thus bridging classroom theory with real-world application.

Please see the University of Florida International Center (opens in new tab) for information on other programs and deadlines. You are encouraged to apply early for scholarship funds that help with costs.

UF Archaeological Field Schools

Undergraduate students concentrating in archaeology are strongly encouraged to take an archaeological  field school. The University of Florida offers a variety of options on a rotating basis, mostly during summers but occasionally during Spring terms. The Department of Anthropology also accepts credit for field schools taken elsewhere by its majors.

UF Archaeological Field Schools available for 2024:

Spring 2024- ANTH 4824 Syllabus: Field School in Archaeology

Students gain hands-on experience in basic archaeological excavation, mapping, note-taking, and laboratory processing related to the Franciscan Mission site of San Francisco de Potano. This was the location of a major Native American (Timucua) village at the time the Spanish colony of La Florida was established in 1565. The Franciscan order established a formal mission there in 1607, and it was active until 1707 when it was abandoned. Today, this site is located on the north side of the city of Gainesville. We will be investigating those portions of the mission developed by the Franciscans (the church and their living areas) in addition to the habitation area of the Native Americans.

3 Credits

Led by Dr. Charles Cobb

Contact Info:

Summer B 2024 – Huanchaco, Peru

Led by Department of Anthropology Archaeologist Dr. Gabriel Prieto, students learn how to conduct archaeological excavation, including the recovery of architecture, ceramics, plants, animals, and human burials in Huanchaco (North Coast of Peru) alongside Peruvian archaeology students. UF students will also engage in readings and discussions to understand how archaeologists and bioarchaeologists come to interpret the ancient Andes from the archaeological record. Students will also tour world-famous UNESCO sites, visit museums, and learn more about present Peruvian culture and world-famous cuisine—leading to a deeper appreciation for Perú and its rich history. For more information on this 6-credit course, go to:

Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to participate in overseas studies in both academic classes and ethnographic field schools. The Department of Anthropology will accept credit from a range of study abroad programs that include anthropology courses. You will need to get prior approval through the International Studies office and the anthropology undergraduate coordinator for coursework not offered by the University of Florida.

Several UF study abroad programs (opens in new tab) do not allow for anthropology credit but provide an excellent cultural experience and a boost to your CV for internships and graduate school.

UF Medical Anthropology  Study Abroad

Summer B 2024- lringa and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 

Learn about healing in a cross-cultural perspective in the vibrant country of Tanzania!
Led by Dr. Adrienne Strong, this program will introduce students to the culture and healthcare environment of two towns in Tanzania, that of lringa and Dar es Salaam. During the program, pre­health and anthropology students will encounter patients whose health problems may result from the environment in which they exist. Students will engage in real world tasks that will hopefully transform them as they work to be future physicians.

For more information on this 6-credit course, go to:[{%22filterType%22:%22programDiscoveryKeyword%22,%22filterValues%22:[{%22value%22:%22tanzania%22}]}]

External Study Abroad Programs and Field Schools

Biological Anthropology
Ecological Anthropology
Interdisciplinary and General Anthropology Study Abroad Programs