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Faculty Accomplishment

Dr. Dave Daegling has been named one of 34 University of Florida Research Foundation Professors for 2016-2019.  The recognition goes to faculty who have a distinguished current record of research and a strong research agenda that is likely to lead to continuing distinction in their fields.  The three-year award includes a $5,000 annual salary supplement […]

Apply to the Ethnographic Field School Deadline March 1, 2016

Now in its fourth year, the Ethnographic Field School (EFS) is a five-week (July 1- August 6) course for graduate students in cultural anthropology. The focus of the EFS is qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection in the context of participatory action research. Held in Tallahassee, Florida. Director: Clarence Gravlee APPLY TO THE ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD SCHOOL HERE. […]

Dr. Harrison Featured in Huffington Post

The Huffington Post has a feature article about Dr. Faye V. Harrison and her work with engaged and feminist anthropology: For University of Florida anthropologist Faye V. Harrison, the term engagement is not an appropriated buzzword. Grounded in global critical race feminism, her three-decade long career has been marked by dedication to publicly-engaged work about […]

Gerald Murray, Ph.D.

Gerald Murray, Ph.D. Title : Professor Emeritus Interests : Applied anthropology, anthropology of religion, linguistics, agroforestry, Caribbean and Latin America, Israel and Palestine Programs : Cultural Anthropology Personal Statement I have done extended fieldwork in Haiti and the Dominican Republic , and have done applied contract assignments in 15 countries for 27 public and private agencies. I designed and […]