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ANT 4851 Digital Anthropology

Dr. A. Johnson As more and more social practices and processes move online, anthropologists are moving their research online, too. This course introduces the theory, methods, and applications of Digital Anthropology, with a focus on research and production. Course texts include ethnographies of online social worlds, as well as the offline assemblages that support them […]

ANT 4586 Human Evolution

Dr. Krigbaum This course will review the ‘hard’ evidence for the evolution of humankind. Such a subject of study is indeed diverse, but concerns the fossil, genetic, and archaeological data that pertains to human evolution and its interpretation, past and present. Basic principles of geology, systematics, and functional morphology will form a shared foundation with […]

ANT 2149 Lost Tribes and Sunken Continents: Pseudoarchaeology and Why It Matters

Dr. Grillo This course examines claims, popularized in the media,that mysterious archaeological sites, statues, etc. were influenced by outer space visitors.Case studies to bediscussed include Stonehenge, various pyramids, Easter Island, Atlantis and Mu, the Nazca Lines, and other archaeological “mysteries.”Emphasis will be placed on understanding how and why pseudoscientific beliefs proliferate, and on understanding the […]

ANT 4930 Illicit Worlds

Dr. Kernaghan This course asks how prohibition-infused social types and things (but also events, terrains and times) can be approached ethnographically. It asks how an ethnographer’s need for extended durations of proximity to what she or he studies can be made adequate to social worlds that depend upon secrecy and aggressively defend the perceived boundaries […]

ANG 6930 Digital Anthropology

Professor A. Johnson As more and more social practices and processes move online, anthropologists are moving their research online, too. This course introduces the theory, methods, and applications of Digital Anthropology, with a focus on research and production. Course texts include ethnographies of online social worlds, as well as the offline assemblages that support them […]

ANT 3930 Digital Cultures and Communities

  Professor A. Johnson How are digital technologies reshaping social worlds? Does constant communication change our experience of community? How does social media affect our sense of self? This course explores “the digital” in cross-cultural context, using the tools of anthropology to chart the range of impacts information technologies are having around the world. Students […]

ANG 6186 Southeastern Archaeology

Dr. Sassaman Southeastern Archaeology is a graduate seminar on the interpretation of 13,000 years of human history in the southeastern United States. The region boasts a rich and fascinating array of ancient cultural traditions, ranging from the thriving founding populations of the late Pleistocene, to the precocious moundbuilders of the mid-Holocene, to the experimental farmers […]

IDS 2935 Sexual Controversies

Dr. Stephanie Bogart and Dr. Saul Schwartz Sexuality is at the center of many social debates and political controversies related to gender and orientation discrimination, sexual violence, sex work, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but people often make decisions and policies based on incomplete information, emotions, stereotypes, and poor or fake research and media. Those […]