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ANG6186 Maritime Adaptations

Dr. deFrance Humankind has lived along coastal habitats throughout history. Life in coastal and maritime settings has led to great creativity in the development of economic systems dependent on littoral and marine foodstuffs. People who live in coastal settings also develop unique systems of knowledge, beliefs, practices, and worldviews. Maritime Adaptations is a graduate seminar […]

Ant 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic anthropology

Dr. Richard Stepp and Dr. George Aaron Broadwell This course provides an overview of major ideas and research areas within the subfields of cultural and linguistic anthropology. The objective of the course is to provide a solid foundation for a graduate four-field Anthropology degree. Topics covered include anthropological ethics; knowledge and representation; power; identity; health; […]

ANT4930 Topographies of Law

Dr. Kernaghan In this course we examine how the material specificity of physical terrains affects legal phenomena as they come to be expressed, sensed and practiced. We observe and track how the enforcement of particular laws often varies across distinct topographies and topological formations: for instance, between cities, towns, rural areas or roads; seas with […]

ANT4930 Data Analysis for Archaeology

Dr. Contreras This course introduces students to the basic quantitative methods required to describe and analyze archaeological data. Each week will introduce a new data analysis or data visualization technique, and ask students to use that technique in order to addressa small research problem. Because many of the challenges archaeologists face have to do with […]

ANT 4552 Primate Behavior

Dr. Stephanie Bogart and Dr. Kim Valenta We will explore the central and cross-disciplinary concepts of primate behavior, which include, but are not limited to genetics, ecology, behavioral diversity, evolution, and sociality; and how these factors shape primatology as a field. This coursefurther investigatesthe interconnection of ecology and behavior, with implications for the origins of […]

ANT 4525 Human Osteology and Osteometry

Dr. Daegling A practical survey of the human skeleton for aspiring bioarchaeologists, forensic anthropologists and paleoanthropologists. Emphasis is on developing techniques for the identification of human remains, including methods for establishing a biological profile from skeletal remains. This course provides hands-on experience with complete and fragmentary human remains, and includes a basic introduction to skeletal […]

ANT 4462 Culture and Medicine

Dr. Connie Mulligan In this online course, we examine health and disease in a cross-cultural context. We are living in a time of unprecedented global change and access to big data that allow us to examine and critique the factors that both improve and worsen health. Anthropology enhances a purely medical approach to health and […]