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Graduate Professionalism Seminar

CSE E2223

Academic Publishing: Responding to Soul-Crushing Reviewer Comments and Getting Your Paper Published Every academic who has ever published has experienced it: your wonderfully written, insightful, and discipline-changing research article has come back from the editor, full of red ink and the horrible words “requires major revisions.” In this session, Drs. Valerie De Leon and Lance

MA with Thesis Deadline

Last day to submit successfully defended thesis for review by Graduate School Editorial Office Deadline for final exam forms to be posted to GIMS for thesis students

MA with Thesis Deadline

Last day to submit successfully defended thesis for review by Graduate School Editorial Office Deadline for final exam forms to be posted to GIMS for thesis students

Graduate Professionalism Seminar

Careers in the Private Sector Join UF Alum Chad Maxwell for a discussion on how to turn your academic degree into a career outside the academy. Topics include how to assess your skills and market them to a non-academic audience, how to find the right position and career, and how to plan your course of

Graduate Professionalism Seminar

Careers in the Private Sector Join UF Alum Chad Maxwell for a discussion on how to turn your academic degree into a career outside the academy. Topics include how to assess your skills and market them to a non-academic audience, how to find the right position and career, and how to plan your course of

Seminar in Geological Sciences

100 Williamson Hall

John Smol “Canaries in the Coal Mine:  Northern Lakes as Sentinels of Environmental Change”