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Brendan O’Sullivan Award for Academic Excellence

Funding Information

This fund was created in memory of Brendan O’Sullivan, who died soon after being named a UF valedictorian in 1999. Brendan majored in Anthropology focusing in ethnomusicology. He spent part of his junior year in London at the School of Oriental and African Studies. He played a broad range of instruments including drums, guitar, violin and keyboard. Brendan would have continued his education at Oxford University where he planned to pursue teaching future scholars the cultural impact of music.

Read his Fall 1997 thesis, “SOAS Centre for Music Studies Musical Instrument Inventory.” (opens in new tab)

  • Eligibility: Highest GPA undergraduate graduating senior.
  • Contact: Undergraduate Coordinator
  • Award: $500 to be awarded annually in the spring, once grades are posted.

Past Recipients

click to view past recipients