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Undergrad Research and Internships

Opportunities and Resources for Majors

We encourage our majors to get involved in their university and engage in their interests in anthropology in substantive ways. On campus, there are a lot of resources that may not seem to be ‘anthropology’ but that offer opportunities to students to hone their research skills and engage within their local communities. In our department, we have a number of faculty and graduate students engaged in a broad range of research areas. The best approach for students is to talk to graduate students and faculty and learn about their work and ask if there are any opportunities for undergraduate involvement.

If a research opportunity does become available, the student should discuss with the faculty the option of earning independent study credits for work conducted on their research or on individual work that is supervised by a faculty member in our department. There is an Individual Study/Research Form that can be downloaded. This form must be signed by the faculty of record, responsible for the student hours per week and submitted to Ms. Pat King in the Anthropology Office (1112 Turlington Hall).

Students can also choose to do approved internships for anthropology credit (individual work). Internships also require anthropology faculty supervision and input, and the faculty of record must sign the Individual Study form for internships as well (e.g., ANT 4905).

Engaging in research complements traditional coursework and provides a learning opportunity and cultivate an area of interest that may not have been considered before.

The University Scholars program at UF is one source of funding for undergraduate students engaged in research with their faculty mentor. This is a competitive program, and the deadline is in early Spring semester and, typically, the department requires a deadline prior to the USP deadline to submit the top-ranking candidates forward to CLAS.


Research at UF

The University Scholars program (opens in new tab) allows students to design, conduct, and publish individual research under faculty supervision. Each year, several Scholars represent Anthropology and study such varied topics as migration and gene flow, narrative identity, and historical archaeology.

Research at Other Institutions
