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Emily Zavodny

NSF SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellow Courtesy Faculty Office:  Turlington B119 Email: Google Scholars Research Interests Human-environment interaction, sustainability, marginal environments, emergence of social complexity and inequality, European prehistory, origins of agriculture, animal husbandry and transhumance, faunal analysis, osteology, mortuary archaeology, stable isotope geochemistry, radiocarbon dating, and paleoclimate reconstruction Selected Publications 2019 E. Zavodny, B. Culleton, […]

Miranda Carver Martin

Alumni Email: Education M.A. Anthropology, University of Florida, 2020 B.A. Anthropology, George Mason University, 2014 Subfield Cultural Anthropology Chair Dr. Catherine Tucker Research Interests Farmers’ markets, food assistance and nutrition incentive programs, food systems, food security, sustainability, alternative food movements, alternative currencies, value chains, space and place, economic anthropology Selected Publications   Grants, Fellowships, and […]