![CK Shih](https://anthro.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/55/ck_shih-1-2-414x532.jpg)
Phone: (352) 294-7587
Email: ckshih@ufl.edu
- Ph.D.
- M.A.
- B.A.
Research Interests
Personal Statement
My research interests have evolved around ethnography, historical anthropology, and anthropological demography. I have conducted extensive fieldwork among the Moso, Pumi, Naxi, and Han in Southwest China. I have published in forms of books, journal articles and book chapters in the United States, France, Switzerland, Mainland China, and Taiwan. My major publications are concerned with issues such as family structure, institutionalized sexual union, gender, ethnic identity, ethnic relations, ethnohistory, impact of culture on demographic configurations, and the Han Chinese as a minority in a multiethnic community. I teach introductory courses on cultural anthropology, ethnographic methods, anthropological demography, and Chinese culture and society, as well as graduate seminars on ethnicity, gender, the family, and population in China.
Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
Selected Publications
Shih, Chuan-kang. 2009. Quest for Harmony: The Moso Traditions of Sexual Union and Family Life. Stanford University Press, Paolo Alto.
Shih, Chuan-kang. 2003. A Minority among the Minorities: The Han Chinese in a Multiethnic Community in Southwest China. In State, Market and Ethnic Groups Contextualized: Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology, edited by Bien Chiang and Ho Ts’ui-p’ing, pp. 205-250. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
Shih, Chuan-kang, and Mark R. Jenike. 2002. A Cultural–Historical Perspective on the Depressed Fertility among the Matrilineal Moso in Southwest China. Human Ecology 30:21-47.
More Publications Available on Google Scholar
Contribution to Science
Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
Completed Research Support (within the past three years)
Courses Taught