Please contact the Department’s Webmaster to request changes, additions, or updates, or to note errors.
- Suggest links to other university web sites that are regularly used, along with ideas for the “instructions” page and other “documents and forms” pages.
- Anyone who wants to contribute photos to the photo bank should submit them using the department webmaster.
Faculty: We especially need you to provide any missing information about yourself on the faculty pages and program pages. Note that there is now a standard post provided for each faculty member with a link to the person’s own web page; anyone preferring to substitute their own web page and not use that standard post should let us know.
We welcome suggestions for additional content, both text and links, as well as comments on what is already there. We give high priority to content that is already written. We prefer text to be submitted in RTF (rich text format) or Word format (.doc, .docx).
Thank you all for your help in testing the web site and also for your contributions that will help to make it a useful resource for everyone.