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Jeffrey C. Johnson, Ph.D.

Photo of Professor Johnson
Professor of Anthropology
Office: Turlington Hall , Room B129 / UF Ayers Technology Plaza, 720 SW 2nd Ave., Suite 150
Phone: (352) 392-1020 / (352) 392-0171


  • Ph.D. Social Science, University of California, Irvine, 1981
  • B.A. Anthropology, University of California, Irvine, 1975

Research Interests


Personal Statement

Johnson been active in research projects funded by Sea Grant and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for more than three decades. He has conducted extensive long-term research supported by the National Science Foundation comparing group dynamics of over-wintering crews at the American South Pole Station, with those at the Polish, Russian, Chinese, and Indian Antarctic Stations. In addition, he is interested in network models of complex biological systems and has been working on the application of continuous time Markov chain and exponential random graph models to the study of trophic dynamics in food webs. His most recent work, funded by the Office of Naval Research, involves the development of methods for the reliable tagging, coding and network modeling of large corpora of related texts. He has published extensively in anthropological, sociological, biological and marine science journals and was the founding editor of the Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, and co-editor of the journal Human Organization. He is currently an associate editor for the Journal of Social Structure and the journal Social Networks. Johnson is the Director of the Summer Institute for Research Design in Cultural Anthropology funded by the National Science Foundation and is the author of Selecting Ethnographic Informants, Sage, 1990 and is co-author (with Borgatti and Everett) of the book Analyzing Social Networks, Sage, 2013.

Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment


Other Experience and Professional Memberships




Selected Publications


More Publications Available on Google Scholar

Contribution to Science


Research Support

Ongoing Research Support


Completed Research Support (within the past three years)


Courses Taught