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Dr. Jusionyte Featured in Fall 2015 Authors@UF Program

Dr. Ieva Jusionyte, Anthropology, will be featured in the George A. Smathers Fall 2015 Authors@UF program: Tuesday, September 22, 2015, Smathers Library (East) room 100 at 4:00 p.m.
Authors@UF is designed to showcase UF authors and their scholarship while providing a forum for discussion and communication between the author and the campus community. It provides a unique opportunity for students to engage with faculty researchers outside of the formal classroom lecture format. It is also an opportunity for Library Liaisons to identify faculty and work with them to create this event (note: Dr. Richard Freeman, Anthropology Library Liaison, copied).
Here are links to:

The Authors@UF Event webpage:
The 3-minute “meet the author” video:
Dr. Jusionyte’s faculty webpage: