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Kevin Bardosh


Research Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Emerging Pathogens

Office: Emerging Pathogens Institute, Bioinformatics Wing, Room 120


Website: Google Scholar


  • Ph.D. African Studies/Centre of Infectious Disease, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • M.S. International Development, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • B.A. Philosophy and History, University of British Columbia, Canada

Research Interests

Medical anthropology, infectious disease, global health, pandemics and emerging diseases, community-based and participatory approaches, development studies, implementation science, science and technology studies, environmental anthropology, development anthropology, agrarian studies, livestock systems, behavioral science, epidemiology, et al.

Personal Statement

Kevin Bardosh (PhD, Edinburgh) is Research Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Emerging Pathogens at the University of Florida. His work is grounded in a biosocial approach to health problems, with a particular interest in human-animal-ecosystem relations, science and technology, governance and citizen engagement. Kevin has conducted formative and operational research in a dozen countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas, working in collaboration with scientists, civil society and Ministries of Health and Agriculture. A major goal of his work is to use social science knowledge – ethnography, qualitative research and survey data – to improve health policy and practice. Kevin currently has funding from the Gates Foundation to develop a community-based mosquito control initiative in northern Haiti – Polisy Kont Moustik – to assist with the elimination of lymphatic filariasis and malaria, and the control of Zika and other arboviruses. He also holds a Society and Ethics Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (2016-2020) to explore the biopolitics of pandemic preparedness, including a focus on the current Global Zika Response in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

Other Experience and Professional Memberships



Selected Publications

Bardosh K (ed) (2016) One Health: Science, Politics and Zoonotic Disease in Africa. Routledge: London. Pp. 239.

Bardosh K, El Berbri I, Ducrotoy M, Bouslikhane M, Ouafaa F, Welburn S (2016) Zoonotic Encounters at the Slaughterhouse: Pathways and Possibilities for the Control of Cystic Echinococcosis in Northern Morocco. Journal of Biosocial Sciences, 48: 92-115.

Bardosh K. (2015) Achieving “Total Sanitation” in Rural African Geographies: Poverty, Participation and Pit Latrines in Eastern Zambia. Geoforum 66:53-63.

Bardosh K. (2015) Deadly Flies, Poor Profits and Veterinary Pharmaceuticals: Sustaining the Control of Sleeping Sickness in Uganda. Medical Anthropology 34(4): 338-352.

Bardosh K (2014) Global Aspirations, Local Realities: The Role of Social Science Research in Controlling Neglected Tropical Diseases. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 3:35.

Bardosh K, Sambo M, Sikana L, Hampson K, Welburn SC (2014) Eliminating Rabies in Tanzania? Local Understandings and Responses to Mass Dog Vaccination in Kilombero and Ulanga Districts. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8(6): e2935.

Bardosh K, Inthavong P, Veunghang S, Okello A (2014) Controlling Parasites, Understanding Practices: The Biosocial Complexity of a One Health Intervention for Neglected Zoonotic Helminths in Northern Lao PDR. Social Science and Medicine 120:215-223.

More Publications Available on Google Scholar

Contribution to Science


Research Support

Ongoing Research Support


Completed Research Support (within the past three years)