Congratulations, Dr. Aaron Broadwell!
Caseidyneën Saën – Learning Together: Colonial Valley Zapotec Teaching Materials (opens in new tab), an open source textbook on Colonial Valley Zapotec, authored by UF’s George Aaron Broadwell as part of a team of US academics and Zapotec community members (Xóchitl Flores-Marcial, Moisés García Guzmán, Felipe H. Lopez, George Aaron Broadwell, Alejandra Dubcovsky, May Helena Plumb, Mike Zarafonetis, and Brook Danielle Lillehaugen) was selected as one of the Best Historical Materials published between 2021-2022. The award was given by the Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association. Read more about the award at (opens in new tab)
The artwork on the cover was created by Gabriela Morac, a Zapotec artist from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya. The piece was created in 2020 and is entitled Cue dixzaa ‘Sowing the Zapotec language’. Técnica: Grabado en linóleo impreso sobre papel de algodón gvarro; Medidas de imagen: 19 x 14.5 cm. She describes the piece as follows: “Pitao cocijo, dios zapoteco de la lluvia, a través de su cántaro deja caer gotas que se transforman en lengua, que al caer al suelo en conjunción con la tierra y su fertilidad, dan pie al florecimiento de la lengua a través de la palabra de los bën zaa.