Native American and Indigenous Studies Program (NAIS)
Dr. Robin Wright is now the CLAS faculty advisor of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Program (NAIS), meaning that the existing Minor in American Indian and Indigenous Studies, formerly housed in the Anthropology Department, is now based in Religion. A core group of Faculty and graduate students met last Tuesday to discuss:
- outreach to native students and faculty at UF
- consolidation of already existing courses and resources in the University for the purpose of printing a brochure on the Program in the near future
- possibilities of support from external funding organizations
- preparation of new course proposals to submit to the Curriculum Committee
- groundwork research prior to presenting a proposal for the B.A. Major
The principal objective of the Program is to turn the Minor into a B.A. Major, on the same level as most universities around the country, and to make visible what already exists. Any students interested in either the interdisciplinary concentration of the undergraduate program, or the major in the new NAIS program, please contact Dr. Robin Wright at rowright[at]ufl[dot]edu.