Congratulations to Spring 2021 Graduates
Our PhD grads include: Matthew Rooney Liz Ibarrola Our MA grads include: Katie Bermudez Lawrence Chiatti Ashley Deutsch Alexander Lowie Courtney Smith Well done!
“Digging for The Truth”
UF’s Explore Magazine features Dr. Phoebe Stubblefield’s incredible work in Tulsa, OK – Read “Digging for The Truth: Finding graves helps Tulsa bury its ghosts” here!
Documenting Death
More about this book: “Documenting Death is a gripping ethnographic account of the deaths of pregnant women in a hospital in a low-resource setting in Tanzania. Through an exploration of everyday ethics and care practices on a local maternity ward, anthropologist Adrienne E. Strong untangles the reasons Tanzania has achieved so little sustainable success in reducing […]
Women in Fundamentalism
More about this book: “Women in Fundamentalism examines the striking similarities in three extreme fundamentalist religious communities in their views about and treatment of women. Whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim, the fundamentalist offshoots of these religions subject women to myriad restrictions in their daily lives. All three seek to maintain male control over women’s bodies, women’s […]
Graduate student Megan Hanna Fry receives NSF award
Graduate student Megan Hanna Fry receives the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) grant in Spring 2020. She shares a few of her thoughts below: “I joined the department in the fall of 2018, working with Dr. John Krigbaum and Dr. James Davidson focusing in bioarchaeology. I received my B.A. from the University of Cincinnati, and […]
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Welcome to New Latin American Archaeologist, Dr. Daniel Contreras
View his new faculty profile here.
Read more "Welcome to New Latin American Archaeologist, Dr. Daniel Contreras"
Meet UF Anthropology’s New Primatologist, Dr. Kim Valenta
Check out her faculty profile here.
Read more "Meet UF Anthropology’s New Primatologist, Dr. Kim Valenta"
Dr. Mulligan Receives NSF Award
Dr. Connie Mulligan just received a $348,000 NSF award, “Intergenerational impact of violence exposure during pregnancy on epigenetic change.” Dr. Mulligan is collaborating with Dr. Catherine Panter-Brick at Yale University and Dr. Rana Dajani at Hashemite University in Jordan. Congratulations Connie!
Dr. Heckenberger Featured in Alligator Story Highlighting His Research
Our own Mike Heckenberger was featured in a story in the Alligator this morning, highlighting his research and efforts to mitigate the effects of rainforest fires on indigenous peoples. Find the article here. Photo courtesy to the Alligator.
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