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POTLATCH APPROACHES! This year's Potlatch will be on Saturday, November 4! Throw that date on your calendar and stay tuned for updates and more information.

Fieldwork Forum

Monday, Nov. 13 4-5pm  Aaron Broadwell, Lauren Clemens, and Michael Stoop Inflectional change in Copala Triqui (Otomanguean, Mexico) Abstract: This paper discusses ongoing changes to the inflectional marking for aspect in Copala Triqui, an Otomanguean language of Mexico.  We compare the conservative forms recorded in earlier documentation with the inflectional system used by younger speakers

FASA Colloquium

11/21/2017 Camila Benedito & Han Zhao Gender and Religion within Santo Daime Camila Benedito is a doctoral student from Federal University of Sao Carlos/Brazil visiting UF and working with Dr. Robin Wright. She will share her research on the intersection between gender and religion studies, providing a new layer of understanding on Santo Daime and