University of Florida Homepage (opens in new tab)

Faculty and Staff Resources

Course and Research Forms

CLAS Guide to Submitting New Course Proposals (opens in new tab)

UF Academic Approval Tracking (opens in new tab)

CLAS Request for Travel Funds (opens in new tab)

Incomplete Grade Guidelines and Form

  • The student and instructor should come to an agreement on completion of the i-grade with a reasonable end date.
  • The instructor must sign the form and submit a copy of the form to the department share drive in the folder called “Incomplete forms” under the Admin folder – make a folder for the course and then instructor. File name should have student last name and instructor last name. The student and instructor should also retain a copy of the form.
  • NOTE: Incomplete grades should not be submitted through the grading system until the form is issued and the conditions on the form are met.

Also, explore: College of Liberal Art and Sciences Forms (opens in new tab)

Evaluation Forms

Annual Graduate Student Evaluation
Graduate Assistant Evaluation Form
Third Year Review Procedure (Also, explore: Tenure and Promotion Guidelines)

Guidelines and Policies

Department Policies and Procedures
Course Syllabi Policy (opens in new tab)
Anthro Syllabus Template (DOCX)
Guide for Writing Student Learning Outcomes (opens in new tab)

Syllabus Archive

An archive of syllabi dating back to 2006 is available for use by faculty, staff and students.

UF Open Access

Information on UF funds for open access (opens in new tab) publishing.


When traveling for research these guidelines must be followed. Please consult with Juanita Bagnall about UF Graduate School requirements for enrollment while doing research.  Multiple funding sources, stays over 30 days and cash advances (when applicable) go through a much more advanced approval process so please plan accordingly.

Travel Instruction Guide

  • This is an information document that explains what is required to process your travel requests. It has links to all of the above forms.

Travel Information Worksheet

  • This form must be submitted by every traveler that is processed by the department. This worksheet must be submitted at least 2-3 weeks before your intended departure date however it is recommended that submissions be made well in advance of departure dates, especially for international travel.

UFIC International Form

  • This form must be completed when traveling to any International destination. The department also requires a copy of your Team Assist Insurance card prior to travel.

International Travel Acknowledgement

Cash Advance Excel Example

  • This spreadsheet can be used as an example when submitting multiple receipts to reconcile an expense report with a cash advance.

Cash Advance Reconciliation

  • This document explains how to reconcile a cash advance.

Fly America Act (opens in new tab)

  • This form is required when federal funding is used to pay for airline tickets that have exceptional circumstances. This form must be approved before the purchase of airline tickets.