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Joanna Troufflard

Alumni Email: Education Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida M.A., Archaeology, New University of Lisbon, 2011 B.A., Archaeology and Art History, Paris-IV Sorbonne University, 2007 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kenneth Sassaman Research Interests Brazilian Amazon, Pre-Colonial Archaeology, Historical Ecology, Ceramics, Public Archaeology Selected Publications Cerâmicas da cultura Santarém, Baixo Tapajós. In Cerâmicas arqueológicas da Amazônia, ed. […]

Christina Callicott

Alumni Email: Education Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Florida M.A. Anthropology, University of Florida, 2014 B.A. Gender Studies, University of Colorado, 1995 Subfield Cultural Anthropology Chair Dr. Pete Collings Research Interests Ethnobotany, ethnomusicology, shamanism, environmental anthropology, bio-cultural diversity, indigenous peoples, political ecology, gender, Western Amazon Selected Publications Peer Reviewed Callicott, Christina 2016 “Introduction to the […]

Michael Heckenberger, Ph.D.

Professor Office: Turlington Hall, Room B309 Phone: (352) 294-7586 Email: Google Scholar Education Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1996 Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 1995 B.A. Anthropology, University of Vermont, 1988 Research Interests Non-Western cultures of the humid tropics, especially Amazonia and Caribbean; pre-industrial complex societies; built environment, cultural memory […]

Marianne Schmink, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology  Office: Phone:352-392-0375 Email: Grinter Hall, Room 301 Education Ph.D., University of Texas B.A., University of Michigan Research Interests Tropical conservation and development, gender and development Personal Statement She has authored (with Charles H. Wood) Contested Frontiers in Amazonia (Columbia University Press, 1992),in addition to four edited books, and dozens of […]