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Brenna Hafling

Graduate Student Email: Education M.A., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.A., Anthropology/Geology, University of Florida, 2020 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kenneth Sassaman Research Interests North American Archaeology, Indigenous Studies, Biocultural Heritage, Public Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, Forensic Anthropology, Human Osteology, Isotope Analysis, Planetary Geology, Planetary Analogues, Geomorphology Selected Publications   Grants, Fellowships, and Awards  

Alisha Palmer

Graduate Student Email: Education M.A, Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.A., Anthropology, University of South Alabama, 2022 Subfield Cultural Anthropology/ Medical Anthropology Chair Dr. Adrienne Strong Research Interests Healthcare systems; Global Health; Biomedical Paradigm; Integrative Medicine; African American Studies; Inequity in Healthcare; Heath Disparities; Women’s Health Selected Publications Alisha Palmer. Past Healthcare as […]

Avirup Sinha

Graduate Student Email: Education Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.Sc and M.Sc, Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College, 2017 – 2022 Subfield Biological Anthropology  Chair Dr. Stephanie Bogart and Dr. Kim Valenta Research Interests My research focuses on the bio-acoustic repertoire and vocalization variation of the Central Himalayan Langurs across different contexts with a […]

Elizabeth Boroski

Graduate Student Email: Education M.A. Anthropology, University of Florida, in progress. B.A. Anthropology, Colorado State University, 2022. Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. James Davidson Research Interests Historic African American Archaeology, Mortary Practices, Folk Practices, Creolization in the Archaeological Record Selected Publications     Grants, Fellowships, and Awards Elizabeth Eddy Grant Ruegammer Fellowship

Whittaker Schroder, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor  Dr. Whittaker Schroder Department of Anthropology Office: Turlington Hall, Room B129 Phone: (352) 294-6396 Email: Office Hours: Fall 2023: Tuesdays 2-3:30 pm Thursdays 1-2:30 pm Education Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania B.A. Brown University Research Interests Landscape archaeology, historical and political ecology, sociopolitical organization, resilience and sustainability, household archaeology, remote sensing, cultural heritage, […]

Morgan Sampson

                Graduate Student Email: Education Ph.D., M.A., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.A., Anthropology, Southern New Hampshire University, 2022 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kenneth Sassaman Research Interests I am interested the intersection of technology and archaeology, mainly in how archaeologists use technology to better understand the […]

Brenna Fennessey

Graduate Student Email: Education M.A. Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.S. Anthropological Science, The Penn State University, 2022 B.A. Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies , The Penn State University, 2022 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kate Grillo Research Interests Southern and eastern African archaeology, archaeobotany, human-environment interactions, food insecurity, mobility Selected Publications and Presentations […]

Caitlin Field

  Graduate Student Email: Education B.A. Anthropology, University of Florida, 2022 B.S. Psychology, University of Florida, 2022 Subfield Archaeology Biological Anthropology Chair Dr. James Davidson Dr. John Krigbaum Research Interests Osteology, mortuary archaeology, bioarchaeology Selected Publications and Presentations   Grants, Fellowships, and Awards Brendan O’Sullivan Award for Academic Excellence (2022) Grinter Fellowship (2022) Phi Beta […]

Daniel Hernandez

Graduate Student Email: Education B.A. Anthropology, Universidad de Chile, 2016 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Gabriel Prieto Research Interests Coastal Archaeology, Zooarchaeology, Archaeomalacology, Landscape, Environment Selected Publications and Presentations 2022. Sierralta, S., Rebolledo, S., Delgado, A., Cortés, C., Hernández, D., & Bravo, G. Holocene Variations in the Lithic Technology of Chepu 005 site, Isla Grande […]

Sheridan Lea

Graduate Student Email: Education Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress MSc. Bioarchaeological and Forensic Anthropology, University College London, 2019 B.A. Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, 2017 Subfield Archaeology Biological Anthropology Chair Dr. John Krigbaum Dr. Phoebe Stubblefield Research Interests Bioarchaeology, Stable Isotope Analysis, Paleopathology, Diet, Mobility Selected Publications and Presentations   Grants, Fellowships, and Awards […]