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Iliana Villegas

Alumni Email: Education Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress M.A., Cultural Anthropology, New Mexico State University, 2014 B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies with Minors in Anthropology, History, and Spanish, New Mexico State University, 2012 Subfield Cultural Anthropology Chair Dr. Jusionyte Research Interests Legal and Political Anthropology, Humanitarian Aid, Migration, Transnationalism, Globalization, Trade Agreements, Human Rights, Human […]

Justin Quinn

Alumni Email: Education Ph.D., M.A., Anthropology, University of Florida, 2012 B.A., Subfield Cultural Chair Dr. Richard Kernaghan Research Interests Anthropology of the Translocal (Globalization and Tourism), Economic Anthropology, Anthropology of Development, Anthropology of Pedagogy, Social Justice Selected Publications     Grants, Fellowships, and Awards   This student has graduated from the program so the […]

Jelena Brezjanovic-Shrogen

Alumni Email: Education Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida M.A., Anthropology, Wichita State University, 2011 B.A., International Business, Wichita State University, 2002 A.B.A., Business Administration, Butler Community College, 1999 Subfield Cultural Anthropology Chair Dr. John Richard Stepp Research Interests International migration, return migration, globalization, language, cognition, visual anthropology, new media, South Europe, Balkans, Serbia Selected Publications     […]

Brenda Chalfin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Anthropology and Center for African Studies Office: Grinter Hall, Room 427, Main Office Phone: 352-392-2183 Email: African Studies Faculty Profile Google Scholars Education Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, 1998 B.A. Anthropology, Amherst College, 1986 Research Interests Waste, Cities, Infrastructure, Urban Environments, Sanitation, Materiality, Plastics, Ports, Off-shore Oil, Maritime Frontiers, Bureaucracy, International […]