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Fall Graduate Student Poster Competition Winners

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the department’s Fall Graduate Student Poster Competition as selected by popular vote at the department Holiday Party on December 6th.

The first place prize of $700 goes to Myrian Barboza for her poster entitled “It’s From My Grandmother’s Time, When There Was No Shifting Cultivation”:  Historical Narratives of Past Diet Among the Katukina Indigenous People From Ro Bia (Amazonas, Brazil)

The second place prize of $500 goes to Molly Selba for her poster entitled The Human Evolution Teaching Materials Project

Myrian and Molly’s posters are on display in the Chair’s Office, 1112 Turlington Hall.  The other posters submitted will be displayed in the department conference room and the basement hallway.  Please feel free to stop by and check out the research being done by others in our department.

Congrats to Myrian and Molly, and thank you to all of the participants!