Amaya-Burns Award
Macarena Moraga
Doughty Research Award
Amanda Brock
Aja Cacan
Oswaldo Medina-Ramirez
Riley Ravary
Nolan Ruark
Sarah Staub
Fairbanks Award
Jorge Garcia
Nathan Lawres
Ginessa Mahar
Goggin Award
Daniel Barroca
Randee Fladeboe
Taylor Polvadore
Maples Award
Janet Finlayson
Waggoner Grants-in-Aid
Aaron Ellrich
Jamie Fuller
Simon Goldstone
Brittany Mistretta
Mohammed Mustapha
Josefina Vasquez
Safe travels to all that are conducting research this summer, and we look forward to hearing about your research in the 2018-2019 Colloquium Series!