Hi All,
Here are some things floating around the department this week:
Anthropology Hiring
Here’s an article in PLoS One out late last week that examines hiring trends in Anthropology. It’s well worth a read, especially since we’re hiring.
Publications and Media!
- Kia Fuller, a graduate student working in Connie Mulligan’s lab, has a brand-new paper published in PLoS One: ACE gene haplotypes and social networks: Using a biocultural framework to investigate blood pressure variation in African Americans.
- Pheobe Stubblefield was featured in a news piece on the development of the Forensic Institute for Research, Security, and Tactics. View it here. Also noteworthy: Heather Walsh-Haney, one of our alums, is also quoted.
- Roberto Barrios, another UF alum, has a piece features on the NSF website (link here).
Upcoming Events
Diversity Graduate Research Symposium:
Queen Quet (poster below) speaks on September 25 in Chemistry Lab C130
That’s all folks! Enjoy the weekend!
Peter Collings