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Friday Scrapbook November 1, 2019

Hi All,

News and Notes:



The book DE  ARQUEOLOGÍA  HABLAMOS  LAS  MUJERES.  PERSPECTIVAS  SOBRE  EL  PASADO ECUATORIANO [Women Speak About Archaeology. Perspectives on Ecuador’s Past] was just published, with Ph.D. Candidate Josefina Vásquez a leader on this project and author of one of the chapters.  You can find more details here,  including a link to a .pdf of the book.


UF Alum Dr. Amanda Holmes-Concha and Professor Emritus Anthony Oliver-Smith recently published an edited book entitled “Disasters in Paradise: Natural Hazards, Social Vulnerability and Development Decisions” with Lexington Press.  Contributors include UF multiple anthropology grads, including  Sarah Cervone, Byron Real, Astrid Wigidal, and Joanna Reilly-Browne.  Find it here.


November is Native Heritage Month

Native Heritage Month is here again, and the Indigenous American Student Association has organized numerous for the month. Among the activities are a talk by Marcus Briggs-Cloud on the 12th of November in Keene-Flint 050 at 5-7 pm.  Marcus has done important work in advising the United Nations regarding the “Year of Indigenous Languages.”  A complete schedule of activities planned for the month is here.


Upcoming Lectures

The Department of Religion, as part of its annual Scudder Lecture Series, invites you to this timely event:  Becoming American – Keeping My Religion:  Religion and Identity among Second Generation New Immigrant College Students  By Dr. Haroon MoghulThe Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, Author of How to Be a Muslim: An American Story.  The Pugh Hall Ocora on Wednesday November 6, at 6 pm.  The event is co-sponsored by the Bob Graham Center for Public Service.  For more info, click here.


Language Training Opportunities

On Tuesday, November 5th, a representative of the Boren Awards will be visiting UF’s campus for the first time since 2012. Boren Awards are funded by the State Department to send currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students abroad for the express purpose of intensive language learning, specifically for languages deemed critical to U.S. national security interests (broadly defined). Last year, about 25% of undergraduate and 40% of graduate applicants secured funding for study abroad through Boren’s competition.


Jeff Cary, the Boren representative, will hold information sessions specifically for students on Tuesday, November 5th; it begins at 4:15pm and in Florida Gym (FLG) 0320. No RSVP for the student session is needed.  Contact Kelly J. Medley at 352-392-1519 if you have questions about Boren and other prestigious fellowship opportunities.



The Department of Anthropology and the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) of The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa invite applications for a full-time, Associate or Full Professor position in medical and/or psychological anthropology beginning Fall 2020. Topical and geographic specialization are open, though the applicant should complement existing specialties in Anthropology and ISSR and be well-versed in quantitative and qualitative research methods. The successful applicant will have research skills and interests that contribute directly to Anthropology’s undergraduate and graduate programs and ISSR’s role in grant writing and social science research design and implementation across the University. Particular emphasis in Anthropology will be placed in complementing the Ph.D. program and its focus on biocultural medical anthropology. The proposed faculty member will have teaching responsibilities that may include our undergraduate introductory courses in cultural or biological anthropology; other specific core undergraduate and graduate level classes in medical, biocultural, or psychological anthropology; and courses of their own development. Ph.D. is required. Preferred qualifications include a demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and student success, as well as working with broadly diverse communities.  Full details:


Enjoy your weekend!


Pete Collings

Associate Professor and Chair

Jessie Ball duPont-Magid Term Professor

Department of Anthropology

University of Florida