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Friday Scrapbook November 15, 2019

UF Meet-up at the AAAs

The UF Department of Anthropology is hosting a social mixer during the AAA / CASCA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, on Friday, November 22 beginning at 8:00pm and continuing until close.  Location: St. Regis Bar and Grill, 608 Dunsmuir Street.  It is roughly a 10 minute walk from the convention center.  We will provide hors d’oeuvers.  If you have questions, contact Chris LeClere at / 1-704-412-7874.  Also, check out the invite on our facebook page here.  Or on our Instagram page, here.   I look forward to seeing you all there.


Awards Corner

I am pleased to note that Ph.D. students  Jamie Fuller, Sarah Staub, Oswaldo Medina-Ramirez, and Ben Smith have each received a RAD award from the University of Florida International Center.  Congratulations to all!


Anthropology Research Exhibition

The Department of Anthropology wants to showcase your research projects!  We are looking for both posters and videos from current graduate students and posters from current undergraduate anthropology students.

The prizes are a little different this semester:

1) Graduate Student Poster $750

1) Undergraduate Student Poster $250

1) Graduate Student Video $750

The department will pay to print a copy of your poster so we can display it in the halls of Turlington.  The winning poster(s) will be displayed in the chair’s office. The winning video will appear on the department’s YouTube channel.

Deadline for submission is Friday, November 22 by 5:00pm. Digital submissions should go to Chris LeClere. Hard copy posters can be dropped off in the anthropology office. Contact Chris LeClere with questions.


Anthropology Holiday Party

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  The Anthropology Holiday Party is fast approaching: it is December 4 this year, from 3-5pm, in the Keene Faculty Center.  As a reminder, this is a pot luck affair, so bring your most festive and/or delicious dish to share.  If you’re in a bind and don’t have time to prepare something, we’re happy to take donations to help with the costs of our catering.

As an additional draw, come and vote for you favorite research poster or video, as part of our Fall Research Exhibition!  Also, for faculty who have not yet done so, this is your chance to talk about your research program on camera.  We will be setting up to shoot profiles as part of the festivities, so wear your most outrageous holiday sweater.

FASA Colloquium

FASA is pleased to announce the kick-off of the 2019-2020 Colloquium series, with begins this afternoon at 4:15 in Turlington 1208.  Please come out and join this afternoon’s speakers:

Domenique Sorresso: Seeking Sources: A Provenance Study of Chickasaw Ceramics Using Thin-Section Petrography

Myles Sullivan: Dividing Lines: Understanding the Social Spaces of Boundaries at James Madison’s Montpelier

Felipe Acosta-Munoz: Language Revitalization and construction of ideologies of Yucatec Maya in narratives by language stakeholders in Yucatan, Méxic

On Friday,  November 22, come and hear presentations by:

Megan Hanna Fry: Social Differentiation and Identity in the Anglo Saxon Kingdom of Lindsey

Edward Quinn: Intergenerational impacts of maternal psychosocial stress in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Arianne Boileau: Spinning in circles (or not): the possible function of Maya perforated bone disks as spindle whorls

FASA is always looking for speakers — both faculty and students — to present their research.  Interested?  Contact Corinne Futch at



Two of our former students, Dr. Meredith Marten and Dr. Noelle Sullivan, have a new article out in Social Science in Medicine: “Hospital side hustles: Funding conundrums and perverse incentives in Tanzania’s publicly-funded health sector.”  You can find it here.

Upcoming Talk

Dr. Kevin Meehan of the University of Central Florida will be giving a lecture, entitled “Voudou Inscriptions of the Self in Zora Neale Hurston’s Haitian Ethnography.”  The lecture is  third event of the FFRI guest speaker series ‘Inscriptions of the Self in the French and Francophone World’ and will take place on Monday November 18th at 3pm in the Scott Nygren Studio, Library West.

Funding Opportunities

The Laura Bassi Scholarship, which awards a total of $8,000 thrice per annum, was established by Editing Press in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed. The scholarships are open to every discipline and the next round of funding will be awarded in December 2019.  Applications are due by November 25, 2019, with results announced on 15 December.

All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of their employment.

Applicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV through the application portal by the relevant deadline. Further details, previous winners, and the application portal can be found here.

I will be in Vancouver next week for AAAs, and then overeating the next, so the scrapbook will resume on December 6.  Enjoy the meetings, and enjoy your Thanksgiving break!


Pete Collings

Associate Professor and Chair

Jessie Ball duPont-Magid Term Professor

Department of Anthropology

University of Florida