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Brenna Hafling

Graduate Student Email: Education M.A., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.A., Anthropology/Geology, University of Florida, 2020 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kenneth Sassaman Research Interests North American Archaeology, Indigenous Studies, Biocultural Heritage, Public Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, Forensic Anthropology, Human Osteology, Isotope Analysis, Planetary Geology, Planetary Analogues, Geomorphology Selected Publications   Grants, Fellowships, and Awards  

Alisha Palmer

Graduate Student Email: Education M.A, Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.A., Anthropology, University of South Alabama, 2022 Subfield Cultural Anthropology/ Medical Anthropology Chair Dr. Adrienne Strong Research Interests Healthcare systems; Global Health; Biomedical Paradigm; Integrative Medicine; African American Studies; Inequity in Healthcare; Heath Disparities; Women’s Health Selected Publications Alisha Palmer. Past Healthcare as […]

Avirup Sinha

Graduate Student Email: Education Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress B.Sc and M.Sc, Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College, 2017 – 2022 Subfield Biological Anthropology  Chair Dr. Stephanie Bogart and Dr. Kim Valenta Research Interests My research focuses on the bio-acoustic repertoire and vocalization variation of the Central Himalayan Langurs across different contexts with a […]

Emily R. Bartz

Graduate Student Email: Education Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress M.S., Anthropology, Illinois State University, 2018 B.S., Anthropology, Grand Valley State University, 2016 Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kenneth Sassaman Research Interests Subterranean food storage, hunter-gatherers, Eastern US, subsistence, mobility Selected Publications   Grants, Fellowships, and Awards University of Florida Graduate School Fellowship, 2018-Present  

Nicolas Delsol

Alumni Email: Education Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Florida, In Progress M.A. d’Anthropologie culturelle, Université de Strasbourg B.A. d’Archéologie, Université de Strasbourg Subfield Archaeology Chair Dr. Kitty Emery Research Interests Zooarchaeology, Mesoamerica, Mayan Archaeology, Colonial Spanish America, Colonial History and Archaeology, Subsistence and Food, Human/Animal Relationship Selected Publications DELSOL N., C. ZORRO, S. GROUARD. Estudio de […]

Michael E. Moseley, PhD

Distinguished Service Professor Professor Emeritus Office: Turlington Hall, Room B356 Phone: (352) 294-7596 Email: Website: Education: Ph.D., Anthropology, Harvard University, 1968 M.A., Anthropology, Harvard University, 1965 B.A., Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1963 Research Interests Settlement and subsistence patterns; early agricultural economies; preindustrial urbanism; pre-Hispanic architecture; pre-Hispanic irrigation and water management technology; Colonial Period and Spanish contact […]

Maxine L. Margolis, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus Interests Transnational migration, Women’s roles in the United States, Gender roles cross-culturally, Anthropological theory, Anthropological ecology, Frontier agriculture, Brazil; United States; Paraguay Programs Cultural Anthropology Personal Statement My research specialties include Brazilian culture and society, international migration and gender roles cross-culturally. I have done field work in Brazil, Paraguay, and the United States. […]