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Michael Warren, PhD

Dr. Michael Warren

Associate Professor

Pound Lab


  • Ph.D.
  • M.A.
  • B.A.

Research Interests

Warren’s areas of interest include forensic identification and trauma analysis, human variation, and the relationship between the environment and body form. His current project is a collaborative effort with Dr. David Daegling, examining the mechanism of trauma in rib and mandibular fractures. Warren recently co-authored an introductory textbook on forensic anthropology. As both a UF graduate student and faculty member, Warren has been contributing to the Pound Lab’s casework since 1991. He has also assisted with personal identification in mass disasters, and helped to identify, and document war crimes against, the victims of genocide in Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo.

Selected Publications

Van Deest, Traci L., Michael W. Warren, and Katelyn L. Bolhofner. 2012. Advances in the Anthropological Analysis of Cremated Remains. In A Companion to Forensic Anthropology, edited by Dennis Dirkmaat, pp. 418-431. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA.

Warren, Michael W., Traci Van Deest, and Kristina Ballard. 2011. Quality Assurance as Pedagogy for Academic Forensic Anthropology Laboratories. Forensic Science Policy & Management 2(2):70-74.

Warren, Michael W., Heather A. Walsh-Haney, and Laurel Freas, eds. 2008. The Forensic Anthropology Laboratory. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Daegling, David J., Michael W. Warren, Jennifer L. Hotzman, and Casey J. Self. 2008. Structural Analysis of Human Rib Fracture and Implications for Forensic Interpretation. Journal of Forensic Sciences 53(6):1301-1307.


Advanced Techniques in Forensic Anthropology (ANG 6740)
Human Osteology and Osteometry (ANG 5525)
Human Osteology (ANT 4525)
Skeleton Keys: Forensic Identification (ANT 3520)