Hi All,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing break. Some news and notes around the Department:
First Find of a Temple to the Flayed Lord
Dr. Susan Gillespie was featured in an AP article discussing a recent find at the Popoloca Indian ruins in Puebla. Read about it here.
Upcoming Job Talks
We have two candidates coming in for interviews next week:
January 8: Dr. Daniel Contreras is a candidate for a position in Latin American Archaeology. He will discuss his research in his talk Stages, Periods, and Radiocarbon: Chronology Matters in the Archaeology of the Central Andes. Dr. Contreras is an anthropological geoarchaeologist interested in human-environment interactions, particularly anthropogenic components of dynamic landscapes and environmental change in the Central Andes. His research currently includes both field-based and modeling projects in which he examines landscape change and its relationship to long-term human occupation, looking at the ways in which humans have both adapted to and caused environmental changes.
He will be speaking in L136 Marston Science Library at 3 pm.
January 10: Dr. Kim Valenta is applying for a position in biological anthropology, with a specialization in primatology. Dr. Valenta is a primate evolutionary ecologist with expertise in chemical ecology, sensory ecology, and primate-plant interactions, with an emphasis on the role of odor in mediating primate-plant interactions. She will be speaking in L136 Marston, also at 3 pm.
Semester Start-up Reminders
A few notes for everyone as the semester begins:
Syllabus: If you are the Instructor of record for a course, you should have the syllabus completed and sent to Riley Ravary so that she can post it to our website.
Textbooks: If you are have yet not received desk copies of the textbooks you are using, please contact Pat King.
Canvas Trouble? If you are having issues with Canvas/Elearning, please contact the helpdesk.
Classroom Policy: Finally, a reminder that if you need to make a change to your class meeting time and/or classroom, please notify Karen Jones immediately so we can make those changes official. Please note that UF policy requires classes to be held in UF facilities.
Graduate Student Funding Opportunities
The Cynthia W. Colangelo Award for Breast Cancer Awareness will support students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who are actively involved in the fight against breast cancer through community service and activities. Recipient(s) will be selected on the basis of an essay detailing their breast cancer awareness activities and thoughts (500 words or less). The deadline to apply is February 23rd.
The Ruth McQuown awards will be made on a competitive basis to students in the fields of Humanities (e.g.,Classics, English, History, Philosophy, Religion, and Languages), Social Sciences (e.g., Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology), Individual Interdisciplinary Studies (that includesocial sciences or humanities), and Women’s Studies. The deadline to apply is February 22nd. Here is the link with information on details, eligibility, and application materials for the award. If applicants need assistance in that regard, they should contact Arlene Williams (arlenew@ufl.edu).
Enjoy the last weekend of freedom! I’ll see you all next week.
Pete Collings
Jessie Ball duPont-Magid Term Professor
Interim Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of Florida