Research Interests
Human-environment interaction, sustainability, marginal environments, emergence of social complexity and inequality, European prehistory, origins of agriculture, animal husbandry and transhumance, faunal analysis, osteology, mortuary archaeology, stable isotope geochemistry, radiocarbon dating, and paleoclimate reconstruction
Selected Publications
2019 E. Zavodny, B. Culleton, S. McClure, J. Balen, D. Kennett. Recalibrating grave good chronologies: new AMS 14C dates from Bronze-Iron Age Lika, Croatia. Antiquity 93: 113-127.
2019 E. Zavodny, S. McClure, M. Welker, B. Culleton, J. Balen, D. Kennett. Scaling up: stable isotope evidence for the intensification of animal husbandry in Bronze-Iron Age Lika Croatia Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23: 1055-1065.
2017 E. Zavodny, B. Culleton, S. McClure, D. Kennett, J. Balen. Minimizing risk on the margins: insights on Iron Age agriculture from stable isotope analyses in central Croatia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 48: 250-261.
2015 E. Zavodny, S. McClure, B. Culleton, E. Podrug, D. Kennett. Identifying Neolithic animal management practices in the Adriatic using stable isotopes. Documenta Praehistorica XLII: 261-274.
2014 E. Zavodny, S. McClure, B. Culleton, E. Podrug, D. Kennett. Neolithic animal management practices and stable isotope studies in the Adriatic. Environmental Archaeology 19(3): 184-195.
2013 G. Milner, G. Chaplin, E. Zavodny. Conflict and societal change in late prehistoric Eastern North America. Evolutionary Anthropology 22: 96-102.