Hi Everyone!
It’s a bit slow, news-wise, around these parts. But there are a few items:
Publications and Awards
- Megan Cogburn just published an article in Social Science and Medicine, “Homebirth fines and health cards in rural Tanzania: On the push for numbers in maternal health.” You can find the article here. Congratulations, Megan!
- Corinne Futch recently received a Charles T. Woods Grant from the Center for Gender, Sexualities, and Women’s Studies Research. The $3000 award will help support Corinne’s dissertation research. Congratulations Corinne!
Library Research and Classroom Instruction in the time of Covid-19
- From our Anthropology Librarian, Ginessa Mahar: Did you know that you could add a librarian to your Canvas course? If you are teaching an online anthropology course this summer, you can add me under the “Librarian” role. There is also a Library Research button that you can add that provides your students with a brief introduction to library research and resources. Check out this link for more information or send me an email at gjmahar@ufl.edu.
Peter Collings
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Anthropology
University of Florida