In addition to its traditional PhD program in Anthropology, the department now offers a terminal MA in Anthropology with a Graduate Certificate in Public Archaeology. Please get in touch with Ken Sassaman ( for information on the new MA option. The information below pertains only to students pursuing a PhD in Anthropology.
PhD Program Sequencing and Course of Study
Sequences are based on the department’s 10 lecture/seminar course requirements (i.e. 30 ANG lecture/seminar credits). These suggested sequences are planned over a three-year period. Graduate students are expected to develop a specific plan of study in consultation with their supervisory committee. For more information, explore the course listings for the current semester.
- Proseminar courses (I and II) are required of all students and should be completed during the first year of residence.
- ANG 6034 (History and Theory in Anthropology) is required of all cultural anthropology students.
- ANG 6110 (Archaeological Theory) is required of all archaeology doctoral students. It is usually taken in the second year of doctoral study.
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (9 credits):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6110 Archaeological Theory
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
Archaeology students typically choose a sequence of courses that supports their regional interests, methodological interests, theoretical interests and topical interests.
Choosing among courses in these four categories would satisfy the additional 21 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
Choose one or more of these theory courses:
ANG 6034 Seminar in Anthropological History and Theory
ANG 6421 Landscape, Place, Dwelling
ANG 6930 Things
Choose one or more of these methods courses:
ANG 5184 Principles of Archaeology (usually taken by MA students)
ANG 5126 Zooarchaeology
ANG 5525 Human Osteology and Osteometry
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 6122C Archaeological Ceramics
ANG 6128 Lithic Technology
ANG 6930 Bioarchaeology
ANG 6930 Regional Analysis
Choose one or more of these regional courses:
ANG 6155 Southeastern US Prehistory
ANG 6186 Archaeology of Human Origins
Choose one or more of these topical courses:
ANG 5172 Historical Archaeology
ANG 6086 Historical Ecology
ANG 6185 Ethnoarchaeology
ANG 6186 Archaeology of Death
ANG 6186 Cultural Heritage Management
ANG 6241 Ecology of Religion
ANG 6286 Urban Landscapes
Archaeology of the Americas
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (9 credits):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6110 Archaeological Theory
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
The following courses would satisfy the additional 21 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
ANG 5126 Zooarchaeology
ANG 5164 The Inca and their Ancestors
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 5525 Human Osteology and Osteometry
ANG 6122C Archaeological Ceramics
ANG 6128 Lithic Technology
ANG 6155 Southeastern US Prehistory
ANG 6421 Landscape, Place, Dwelling
ANG 6930 Maya and Aztec Civilizations
ANG 6930 Regional Analysis
Biological Anthropology
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (6 credits):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
The following courses would satisfy the additional 24 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 5525 Human Osteology and Osteometry
ANG 6514 Human Origins
ANG 6555 Issues in Evolutionary Anthropology
ANG 6592 Seminar in Molecular Anthropology
ANG 6930 Applied Statistics in Biological Anthropology
ANG 6930 Bioarchaeology
ANG 6930 Demography
Students pursuing this sequence are also encouraged to take the following which would count as part of the 36 elective credits:
STA 6126 Statistical Methods in Social Research I
STA 6127 Statistical Methods in Social Research II
Cultural Anthropology
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (9 credits):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6034 Seminar in Anthropological History and Theory
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
The following courses would satisfy the additional 21 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
ANG 5266 Economic Anthropology
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 6274 Principles of Political Anthropology
ANG 6701 Seminar on Applied Anthropology
ANG 6801 Ethnographic Field Methods
ANG 6930 Environmental Anthropology
ANG 6930 Ethnographic Writing
Forensic Anthropology
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (6 credits):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
The following courses would satisfy the additional 24 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 5525 Human Osteology and Osteometry
ANG 6186 Archaeology of Death
ANG 6514 Human Origins
ANG 6930 Applied Statistics in Biological Anthropology
ANG 6930 Bioarchaeology
ANG 6930 Demography
Students pursuing this sequence are also encouraged to take the following which would count as part of the 36 elective credits:
STA 6126 Statistical Methods in Social Research I
STA 6127 Statistical Methods in Social Research II
Medical Anthropology
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (9 credits):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6034 Seminar in Anthropological History and Theory
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
The following courses would satisfy the additional 21 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 5531 Culture and Nutrition
ANG 6737 Medical Anthropology
ANG 6801 Ethnographic Field Methods
ANG 6930 Anthropology and Global Health
ANG 6930 Demography
Students pursuing this sequence are also encouraged to take the following which would count as part of the 36 elective credits:
STA 6126 Statistical Methods in Social Research I
STA 6127 Statistical Methods in Social Research II
Social Research Methods
Click to view suggested courses
Required Courses (9 hours):
ANG 5621 Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology
ANG 6034 Seminar in Anthropological History and Theory
ANG 6930 Proseminar in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
The following courses would satisfy the additional 21 ANG lecture/seminar credits required for the Ph.D.:
ANG 5420 Social Network Analysis in Cultural Anthropology
ANG 5485 Research Design in Anthropology
ANG 5494 Text Analysis
ANG 6481 Research Methods in Cognitive Anthropology
ANG 6801 Ethnographic Field Methods
ANG 6930 Demography
ANG 6930 Ethnographic Writing
ANG 6930 Survey Research Methods
Students pursuing this sequence are also encouraged to take the following which would count as part of the 36 elective credits:
STA 6126 Statistical Methods in Social Research I
STA 6127 Statistical Methods in Social Research II