Photo of Chilean San Pedro celebrations courtesy of Daniel Hernandez
Since its inception in the 1960s, the Department of Anthropology’s graduate program has provided opportunities for students to earn a Ph.D. in Anthropology and pursue professsional careers in academic and applied fields. While some students seek a Master’s degree in preparation for continued doctoral study, starting in 2023, students may also be admitted for a Terminal Master’s degree with the intent of earning one of the department’s graduate certificates, such as the Certificate in Public Archaeology.
Ph.D. Program
UF’s Ph.D. program in Anthropology is a mentoring program emphasizing profesional development in academic and applied anthropology. Each student is mentored by their faculty advisor(s), working closely with a supervisory committee chosen by the student. Graduate students are expected to be in residence to attend classes and seminars and receive individualized training. Distance-education graduate degrees are not offered. Students formally report on their progress each year, and the progress of each graduate student is evaluated by the faculty in their primary field.
Students are admitted to the graduate program based on their intellectual match with faculty interests and are encouraged to develop their own research initiatives rather than follow a standard curriculum. Applicants should state their proposed subfield (archaeology, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, or bio-archaeology), area of research, and research topics for advanced study, and identify potential faculty mentors. Upon admission, it is the student’s responsibility, in consultation with their supervisory committee, to select an appropriate program of study.
Students receiving graduate degrees are well-prepared intellectually and professionally for success in a wide variety of careers and become leaders in developing the next generation of anthropology. The department offers teaching experience and resources for presenting conference papers, submitting grant proposals, conducting fieldwork, and other activities that provide for students’ professionalization. Graduate students are welcome to contribute to discussions in departmental meetings and serve on some departmental committees.
Terminal M.A. Program
Many career options in applied anthropology, particularly in archaeology, do not require a Ph.D. With continued growth in the job market for M.A.-trained archaeologists in what is commonly referred to as Cultural Resource Management (CRM), UF Anthropology launched in 2023 a Terminal Master’s option with a Certificate in Public Archaeology. The program is focused on training students in the technical, legal, ethical, and administrative aspects of CRM and related careers in public archaeology. The 30-credit degree requirements are structured around 12-credits of coursework for the certificate, along with two required proseminars with Ph.D. students, and options of credit-earning internships to place students in potential employment.
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