Course # | Section | Instructor | Title (click for syllabus) |
ANG5012 | 2B20 | Daegling, David | Fantastic Anthropology/Fringe Science |
ANG5485 | 127E | Johnson, Jeffrey C | Research Design |
ANG5621 | 213A | Broadwell, George Aaron
Collings, Peter F |
Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology |
ANG6161 | 1229 | Keegan, William Francis | Prob Carib Prehistory |
ANG6186 | 2F57 | Sassaman, Kenneth Edward, Jr. | Southeastern Archaeology |
ANG6286 | 1765 | Chalfin, Brenda Helene | Anthropology of the State |
ANG6421 | 128C | Gillespie, Susan D | Landscape, Place, Dwelling |
ANG6592 | 2B93 | Mulligan, Connie Jo | Seminar in Molecular Anthropology |
ANG6905 | 204H | Gravlee, Clarence C IV | Medical Anthropology Journal Club |
ANG6905 | 22BE | Emery, Katherine Freances
Wallis, Neill Jansen |
Current Issues in Archaeology |
ANG6905 | 9727 | STAFF | Individual Work |
ANG6910 | 2B10 | STAFF | Supervised Research |
ANG6915 | 4532 | STAFF | Research Projects |
ANG6930 | 0966 | Stoilkova, Maria Milkova | Dissertation Writing |
ANG6930 | 1259 | Wallis, Neill Jansen | Florida Archaeology |
ANG6930 | 126B | Ostebo, Marit Tolo | Global Public Health |
ANG6930 | 1281 | Gillespie, Susan D | Principles of Archaeology |
ANG6930 | 2B12 | Arfi, Khadidja | Muslim Women Today |
ANG6930 | 2B15 | Arfi, Khadidja | Pol and Soc Change in MENA |
ANG6930 | 2B41 | Deleon, Valerie Burke | Morphometrics |
ANG6930 | 2F53 | Davidson, James M | Archaeology of Death |
ANG6930 | 2G80 | Tucker, Catherine May | Coffee Culture/Production and Market |
ANG6930 | 2G93 | Bloch, Jonathan I | Primate Evolution |
ANG6930 | 2H20 | Wright, Robin | Indigenous Religions of the World |
ANG6930 | 2H33 | Wright, Robin | Sacred Plants |
ANG6930 | 2099 | Young, Alyson Gail | Food and Nutrition Security |
ANG6930 | 21E5 | Kernaghan, Richard B | Roads and Road Publics |
ANG6930 | 21FC | Kernaghan, Richard B | Ethnographic Writing |
ANG6930 | 214G | Kane, Abdoulaye | Diasporas of Africa |
ANG6930 | 2245 | Paulson, Susan | Power and Environment |
ANG6930 |
2490 |
Bardosh, Kevin | |
ANG6940 | 2B31 | STAFF | Supervised Teaching |
ANG6945 | 2B53 | STAFF | Internship in Anthropology |
ANG6971 | 7069 | STAFF | Masters Research |
ANG7979 | 7070 | STAFF | Advanced Research |
ANG7980 | 7071 | STAFF | Doctoral Research |
Course # | Section | Instructor | Title (click for syllabus) |
ANT2000 | 1D31 | Laffey, Ann O | General Anthropology |
ANT2000 | 208B
208C |
Sassaman, Kenneth Edward, Jr | General Anthropology |
ANT2000 | 6268 | Duffy, Lisa G | General Anthropology |
ANT2140 | ALL | Mahar, Ginessa J | Intro to World Archaeology |
ANT2301 | ALL | Gravlee, Clarence C IV | Human Sexuality and Culture |
ANT2410 | 2447 | Ravary, Riley A | Cultural Anthropology |
ANT2410 | 3121 | Felima, Crystal A | Cultural Anthropology |
ANT3141 | 216G
2163 |
Berces, Donald Alan | Development of World Civilizations |
ANT3241 | 2296 | Ostebo, Marit Tolo | Anthropology of Religion |
ANT3302 | 9618 | Grafft-Weiss, Amber J | Sex Roles Cross-Culturally |
ANT3364 | 17AH | Shih, Chuan-Kang | Chinese People/Culture |
ANT3390 | 17EF | LeClere, Christopher T | Visual Anthropology |
ANT3451 | 178G
1945 |
Ibarrola, Mary E | Race and Racism |
ANT3514C | ALL | Krigbaum, John | Intro to Biological Anthropology |
ANT3520 | 159B
1688 2425 |
Kolpan, Katharine E | Skeleton Key Forensics |
ANT3520 | 9265 | Warren, Michael Wade | Skeleton Key Forensics |
ANT3620 | 18CC
18CD |
Andrews, Deborah J | Language and Culture |
ANT3620 | 2A32
6882 |
Troufflard, Joanna | Language and Culture |
ANT3860 | 0587 | Granville, Ian Maurice | Writing in Anthropology |
ANT3860 | 059B | Scholl, Jonathan M | Writing in Anthropology |
ANT3930 | 09HA | Kugelmass, Jack M | Screening Holocaust |
ANT3930 | 1234 | Cobb, Charles R | Plagues and People |
ANT3930 | 2H15 | Wright, Robin | Indigenous Religions of the World |
ANT3930 | 2H30 | Wright, Robin | Sacred Plants |
ANT3930 | 209D | Wallis, Neill Jansen | Florida Archaeology |
ANT3930 | 22BF | Stoilkova, Maria Milkova | Globalization and Migration |
ANT4114 | 1H89
13AH |
Gillespie, Susan D | Principles of Archaeology |
ANT4213 | 16G7
16HE |
Burgen, Benjamin R | Global Humankind |
ANT4403 | 214A | Tucker, Catherine May | Environment and Cultural Behavior |
ANT4462 | 2098 | Young, Alyson Gail | Culture and Medicine |
ANT4525 | 2452 | Daegling, David | Human Osteology |
ANT4525 | 4166 | Friend, Amanda N | Human Osteology |
ANT4530 | 2B90 | Mulligan, Connie Jo | Seminar in Molecular Anthropology |
ANT4554C | 2B99 | Bloch, Jonathan I | Primate Evolution |
ANT4824 | 15FA | Brandt, Steven Andrew | Field Sessions in Archaeology |
ANT4905 | 9739 | STAFF | Individual Work |
ANT4907 | 9536 | STAFF | Research Projects |
ANT4914 | 9737 | STAFF | Departmental Honors |
ANT4930 | 123B | Keegan, William Francis | Prob Carib Prehistory |
ANT4930 | 15F3 | Brandt, Steven Andrew | African Archaeology |
ANT4930 | 15G0 | Brandt, Steven Andrew | African Archaeology Analysis |
ANT4930 | 2B05 | Arfi, Khadidja | Muslim Women Today |
ANT4930 | 2B14 | Arfi, Khadidja | Pol and Soc Change in MENA |
ANT4930 | 2B25 | Daegling, David | Fantastic Anthropology/Fringe Science |
ANT4930 | 2B73 | Deleon, Valerie Burke | Human Anatomy/Embryology |
ANT4930 | 2G96 | Tucker, Catherine May | Coffee Culture/Production and Market |
ANT4930 | 21E4 | Kernaghan, Richard B | Roads and Road Publics |
ANT4930 | 2132 | Kane, Abdoulaye | Islam in the West |
ANT4930 | 214E | Kane, Abdoulaye | Diasporas of Africa |
ANT4930 | 2165 | McCarty, Christopher | Business Anthropology |
ANT4930 | 2346 | Deleon, Valerie Burke | Morphometrics |